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What does this map show?.

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Presentation on theme: "What does this map show?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does this map show?

2 Fuel Exports Fuel includes oil, gas, coal, nuclear and traditional fuels. The Middle East is the region that exports the most fuel. The two biggest fuel exporters are Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation, both are included in the Middle East region. The third biggest exporter is Norway, in Western Europe. These major exporters are known for their reserves of oil and gas, rather than coal and traditional fuels.

3 NEW UNIT Unit 2: Consuming Resources
Two main parts to this unit; 1) How and why does resource consumption vary in different parts of the world 2) How sustainable is the current pattern of resource supply and consumption?

4 Today's lesson; How are resources classified?
What are the costs and benefits of these resources?

5 Your turn! Look at the photos (1-10) coming up and using p2 in your booklets write down What the resources might be? How it might be useful? Is it renewable or non-renewable?

6 1 6

7 2 7

8 3 8

9 4 9

10 5 10

11 6 11

12 7 12

13 8 13

14 9 14

15 10 15

16 How did you get on? Turn to p152 in Evolving Planet

17 Three types of resources
Natural Human Material or Capital

18 Availability of resources
Mix and match, these are currently in the wrong places! Term Definition Example Non renewable Can be renewed by humans and therefore will last Wood Sustainable resources Can’t be remade, being used up, once gone they are gone Wave Renewable, sustainable resources These renew themselves and don’t need managing Diamonds

19 Availability of resources
ANSWERS Term Definition Example Non renewable Can be renewed by humans and therefore will last Wood Sustainable resources Can’t be remade, being used up, once gone they are gone Wave Renewable, sustainable resources These renew themselves and don’t need managing Diamonds

20 Cost benefit of 3 resources
Tar Sand Oil BioFuels Solar Energy

21 TASK – Exercise Book Image you live in a country with an estimated amount of oil left for 50 years. Once this runs out that is it! Which of the 3 options below will you choose to present to your cabinet as the best way forward; 1) Invest in alternative forms of energy for your country, i.e. build more wind farms, more HEP, etc. 2) Buy resources from abroad, there are plenty of other countries that have lots of resources that are willing to sell and export the oil to you. Then in 50 years time you will have loads of oil and other countries will start to run out and come to you for oil. 3) Do nothing and just wait and see what happens; besides you won’t be running the country when it all runs out!

22 Gimme 5! I need 5 people in the room to tell me one new thing that you have learnt in the last hour!

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