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The role of the ICT team.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of the ICT team."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of the ICT team

2 ICT Team Acts as a focal point between EPSRC and both the academic and user communities Provides ‘intelligence’ on priorities to EPSRC advice, guidance and information to the research & user communities

3 Programme Development
We provide input into the ICT Programme Business plan Develop ideas for managed & strategic activities Take these ideas through to completion (in funding research grants for example) Bring people & knowledge together

4 Relationship with User Sector
Gather intelligence on industrial sectors Advising potential collaborators, acting as a ‘marriage brokering’ service Develop strategic partnerships

5 Peer Review & Evaluation
We provide Programme level contact with the academic community Provide detailed knowledge of the peers in terms of selecting referees and panel membership Select Proposals to go to Panel Monitor progress of grant-supported projects where appropriate We evaluate Programme activities at a number of levels

6 The role of the ICT community

Business Plan Development Foresight PSATs Evaluation Government Organisation Programme TOP Learned Business Plan Advice and Council Societies Manager UP Team Professional Organisations Feedback on Landscapes College and from individuals Regional Meetings Users 5

8 Peer Review Process

9 Who determines where the funding goes?
The Research community via Refereering proposals Prioritisation panels e.g. balance of First Grants vs Research Grants Strategy Advisory Team Technical Opportunties Panel EPSRC Council

10 We need to know from you Your opinions on areas of strength within UK ICT research new opportunities and emerging areas and also areas in which to reduce effort sunsetting mature fields to bring on new areas

11 Partnership Feedback what have we got right? where can we improve You can help us help you!

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