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Plant systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant systems

2 Learning goals We are learning the functions two main systems of a plant. We are learning the functions of stems, leaves and flowers of a plant.

3 Plant systems 2 Main systems: Root system
Shoot system (stem, leaves, flowers)

4 General Root functions
Anchorage Absorption of water and nutrients Storage

5 Root growth gravitropism roots grow positively towards gravity
due to expansion of cells at elongation zone

6 General Shoot functions
support photosynthesis reproduction

7 Shoot – stem functions support branches, leaves, and flowers
transports substances between roots and leaves negative gravitropism – move away from gravity positive phototropism – towards light

8 Shoot – leaf functions Photosynthetic – produces own food
Gas exchange – CO2 in & O2 out Temperature regulation – transpiration Designed to capture maximum light and minimize water loss Support, protection, reproduction and attraction

9 Shoot – flower functions
Developed for sexual reproduction Pollen produced on anther ‘fertilizes’ ovule to form a seed


11 Learning goals We are learning the functions two main systems of a plant. We are learning the functions of stems, leaves and flowers of a plant.

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