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Blood and Blood Spatter

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1 Blood and Blood Spatter

2 Brainpop Hemoglobin Blood Plasma White Blood Cells
How many pints of blood does an adult human have?

3 Components of Blood Red Blood Cells _____________ White Blood Cells
Plasma Platelets

4 Red Blood Cell (Erythrocytes)
oxygen Carry ________ to cells O2 binds to ___________ hemoglobin

5 White Blood Cells (AKA Leukocytes)
protect Help _________ the body against _____________ __________ are a type of WBC foreign cells Antibodies

6 Table Talk Give an example of a white blood cell
Contrast WBCs and RBCs

7 Plasma and Platelets Plasma Transports __________ Platelets substances
Help form ___________ substances blood clots

8 ABO Blood Groups The four blood groups A B AB O

9 Determining Blood Type
Antigens Found on _____________ of RBC Type of antigen on RBC ____________ blood type Ex surface determines

10 Continued Antibodies Destroy __________
Non-matching _________ found in ___________ E.x. foreign cells antibody plasma

11 Rh Factor Makes blood type either + or – Rh+ Rh antigen ________ Rh-
present No

12 Blood Typing

13 Agglutination Occurs when matching __________ and antigens _______
Results in ____________ of blood antibodies bind clumping

14 ABO Blood Types Chart Blood Type Antigen on RBC Antibody in Plasma A B

15 Blood Typing Game

16 Blood Typing Challenge!
Patient # Blood Type Type(s) of Blood Transfused 1 2 3

17 Crime Scene Analysis

18 Blood Spatter Analysis

19 Blood Spatter Patterns
The pattern ________ makes when it lands on ___________ Types of Spatter: Passive Due to ___________ blood a surface gravity

20 Continued Transfer Bloody objects __________ a surface Impact
Blood ________ through air touch projected

21 Analyzing Blood Spatter

22 Impact Angle Analysis blood a surface
The angle formed between ___________ and __________ Velocity of spatter High Diameter _____________ Medium Low Diameter _______________ blood a surface less than 1 mm between 1-4 mm greater than 4 mm

23 Table Talk

24 Area/Point of Convergence
Determined by drawing a _______ through the long axis of a group of ____________ Where the ______ of the group _________ = point of convergence line bloodstains lines intersect

25 Luminol Chemical used to “_________” blood Works by: develop
Binds to ______ in blood Shines under ____________ develop iron Black-light

26 Analyzing Impact Angle

27 Analyzing Impact Angle
Real long an spiny = more of an angle (increase in angle) As the angle of impact _________ the spatter elongates “fewer degrees” on the protractor increases

28 Which set of results is correct?
Table Talk Which set of results is correct?

29 No Movement

30 Walking Fast vs Walking Slow


32 The effect of movement on spatter
Speed: As speed increases spatters are ____________ Direction: Spines ________ the direction of travel closer together point in

33 A little Heart Trivia How big is your heart?
T or F Your heart grows as you grow T of F Both birds and humans have a 4 chambered heart T or F Age affects your heart rate T or F your hear rate drops while you’re sleeping

34 The Circulatory System (AKA The Cardiovascular System)
Made up of: 1._____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ Function: _________ materials Removes ________ Regulates ______________ Heart Blood Blood vessels Transports waste body temp

35 General Structure of the Heart
4 Chambers Two ______ (upper) Two ventricles (lower) 4 _________ 2 major arteries and 3 major veins atria valves Valves – as one opens another closes this prevents a back flow of blood. Arteries take blood away from the heart, veins bring blood back to the heart

36 Heart Valves Flaps of tissue that _______ a back flow of blood.
Only open in ______________ prevent one direction When one is open, the other is closed.

37 Blood vessels
Arteries Carry blood ______ from the heart Veins Bring blood ________ to the heart away back

38 Table Talk Predict what would happen if a valve did not work properly.
Who would have a lower resting heart rate an athlete or a couch potato? Why?

39 Bicuspid (Mitral) valve
Heart Valves Bicuspid (Mitral) valve Tricuspid valve Aortic valve Pulmonary valve

40 (Continued) Upper Body Lungs Lungs Lower body Oxygenated Blood
Deoxygenated Blood Lungs Oxygenated Blood Lungs Oxygenated Blood Deoxygenated Blood Lower body

41 (Continued) Upper Body Lungs Lungs Deoxygenated Blood

42 (Continued) Upper Body Lungs Lungs Lower body Oxygenated Blood


44 Circulation “From SV, my RA took my RV to PA for LUNch. Then the Pole Vaulter took it to LA and LV for the Awesome Opening”

45 Table Talk Does the structure of the human heart allow for oxygen rich blood to be separated from oxygen poor blood? Which chambers are filled with oxygen poor blood during circulation?

46 Circulation The _______ and/or the ______ vena cava bring O2 poor blood into the _____ ____ Then the RA sends blood to the _____ ________ The RV sends blood to the __________ PA send blood to the ________ superior inferior Right atrium right ventricle pulmonary artery lungs

47 (Continued) Pulmonary veins bring O2 ______ blood back from the _______ into the _______ atrium LA sends blood to the ______ _______ LV sends blood to the ________ Aorta sends O2 ______ blood to the rest of the body rich lungs left left ventricle aorta rich

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