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Eoin Howlett ASA, MARACOOS

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1 Eoin Howlett ASA, MARACOOS
GEOSS Future Products Workshop Silver Spring, March 26, 2013 Use of open standards to share ocean observing and model data in U.S. IOOS Eoin Howlett ASA, MARACOOS

2 National Network of Regional Associations
Overview of RA network – you can use this slide to discuss many concepts: 1) Diversity of regions 2)focus on users 11 Ras, 11 diverse regions. Alaska has XX population but 3 LME; MACOORA has small geography but huge population and one of the most important seaports. Great Lakes are major fresh water resource and shipping channel. PacIOOS stretches all the way to Guam. Goals is enhance national data with regional data and analysis to develop regionally relevant products.

3 DMAC Components Data Discovery Metadata Data Transport On-line access Archive and Access IT Security QC/QA End User Applications

4 Maracoos Vision Acronymns

5 Standards WMS (Web Mapping Service) WFS (Web Feature Service)
WCS (Web Coverage Service) SOS (Sensor Observation Service) NetCDF DAP (Data Access Protocol) HYRAX (DAP Server) TDS (Thredds Data Server) ISO Metadata CS/W (Catalog Service) WPS (Web Processing Service) Acronymns

6 Web Services MiddleWare
Data Flow In-Situ Buoys HF Radar Satellite Gliders Models GIS Web Services MiddleWare Services DAP WMS (Time and GFI) SOS WaterML Custom.. Technologies THREDDS Custom WMS (EdsWMS, SciWMS, ncWMS, other) 52 North SOS ncSOS GIS Map Services Acronymns

7 Web Services MiddleWare
Web Client In-Situ Buoys HF Radar Satellite Gliders Models GIS Web Services MiddleWare Acronymns

8 Web Services MiddleWare
Mobile Client In-Situ Buoys HF Radar Satellite Gliders Models GIS Web Services MiddleWare Acronymns

9 Demonstration MyMaracoos.Org

10 Conclusions Distributed challenges Performance (Caching and Brokering)
Cloud Evolution More robust technologies Services - Stress Testing (GetCapabilities….) Mixed data models Metadata and Registration

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