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The Abolitionist Movement

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1 The Abolitionist Movement
African Americans and the Struggle for Freedom SECTION

2 Antislavery Movement Abolitionist – person who sought a gradual or immediate end to slavery Only presence was in the North South kept any anti-slave literature out Most Americans (especially in the South) believed their prosperity rests with slavery Cotton produced by slave labor in the South supplied the textile mills of the North

3 Slavery Causes Suffering
2 million African-Americans enslaved Tobacco, cotton, loading freight, cooking meals Over 200 slave rebellions Nat Turner – at least 55 Virginians killed; Turner was hung for his actions Fear of rebellions led to laws not allowing teaching slaves to read and write Further caused the South to not compromise when it came to slavery SECTION

4 William Lloyd Garrison
Publisher of The Liberator Influential abolitionist Almost killed for his beliefs SECTION

5 Harriet Tubman Garrison called her the “Moses” of her people
$40,000 reward for her capture SECTION

6 Frederick Douglass Escaped slave Learned to read and write
Great speaker Leading abolitionist SECTION

7 Abolitionists Call for Freedom
Underground Railroad – led slaves from the south to the north or Canada 100,000 1836 to 1844 the House adopted a gag rule on slavery Any abolitionist petition was automatically tabled Outrage on both sides grew and both sides began getting violent in protest Only the Civil War will settle the issue


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