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Congress = Senate + House of Representatives

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1 Congress = Senate + House of Representatives
 LEGISLATIVE  Congress = Senate + House of Representatives  Makes Laws House of Representatives (435 voting members) (+5 non-voting members from Wash, DC, and US territories) 1. 2 year terms 2. 25 yrs old, 7 yr US citizen, reside in congressional district 3. propose TAX (revenue) laws 4. sole power of impeachment = (accusing a official of a crime) Senate (100 members) 5. 6 yr terms 6. 30 yrs old, 9 yr US Citizen, live in the state 7. 2/3 must approve presidential appointments to government positions like Supreme Court, cabinet, ambassadors 8. 2/3 must approve treaties made by President 9. hold impeachment trial *can FILIBUSTER to delay votes* Both Houses of Congress Together 10. legislative power (law-making) - all laws must pass in both houses + be signed by President 11. declare war 12. can override Presidential veto by 2/3 vote of both houses 13. can propose Constitutional Amendments by 2/3 vote of both houses

2  EXECUTIVE President, Vice President, Cabinet, Executive Agencies (FBI, DEA, FAA, EPA) Enforces Laws  14. 4 yr term yrs old, 14 yr US Resident, born a citizen 16. approve or veto legislation 17. make treaties (w/ Senate approval) 18. power of appointment – nominate cabinet members, ambassadors, etc. (w/ Senate approval) 19. appoint justices to Supreme Court (w/ Senate approval) 20. commander-in-chief of US military forces Power of the President has grown since 1787 – traditions and precedents, has been allowed greater use of powers by Congress in difficult times (Great Depression, World War II, 9/11, etc  

3 Supreme and Federal Courts
JUDICIAL Supreme and Federal Courts Interprets Laws and Punishes Lawbreakers 21. life term with good behavior 22. hear cases involving disputes between states 23. hear cases involving disputes with US 24. power to review laws and treaties for constitutionality – JUDICIAL REVIEW – this is the Supreme Court’s most important power and check on Exec and Legis branches 25. Chief Justice presides over President’s impeachment trial

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