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Diadromous Fish.

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Presentation on theme: "Diadromous Fish."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diadromous Fish

2 What is Diadromy? From the greek word dromos- running
Fish that migrate between salt and fresh water Two types Catadromous- from greek word cat- down, fish run down, migrate to ocean to spawn Anadromous- fish run up, migrate to the rivers to spawn

3 Life Cycle of Anadromous Fish
Egg Alevins Fry Fingerling (parr) Smolt Adult


5 Anadromous Fish Make nests called rudds Nourished by yolk sac
Migration back to ocean is the most dangerous time in life cycle Dams in rivers sometimes prevent migration back to ocean Once reach ocean- remain there from 1-6 years Return to their freshwater birthplaces to give birth to next generation

6 Spawning The return to birthplace called anadromy is harsh
Must swim again currents Adjust to fresh water Use up energy and tissue When journey is complete they stop eating and body begins process of producing roe or milt Brighter coloration during this time After spawning many anadromous fish die


8 Types of Anadromous Fish
Salmon Atlantic Pacific Steelhead trout Striped bass Shad


10 Catadromous Fish Less common Born in oceans
Females migrate up streams and rivers Will remain their for up to 15 years Males remain in ocean or estuaries Only give birth once

11 American Eel

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