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Towards the Sustainable Development Goals:

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Presentation on theme: "Towards the Sustainable Development Goals:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards the Sustainable Development Goals:
The World We Want

2 Outline of the Presentation
What Next? Why the Post 2015 Development Agenda? The Process Inputs – Key Reports in 2013 The Open Working Group (OWG) Analytics: The World We Want and MY World Where Are we Now? The SDGs vs MDGs Reflections on the SG’s Synthesis Report Way Forward – The Next Steps


4 Why a New Development Agenda?
Current development model is leading to breaches in the planetary boundaries, jeorpdazing the very existence of human civilization on this planet - effects of climate change. Inadequacy of the curent development model in achieving in reducing poverty and achieving other human development goals. New development agenda must eradicate poverty within the context of sustainable development (Rio+20 Outcome Document – The Future We Want).

5 The Process Processes to define the Post 2015 Agenda gained momentum in 2012 with… Open and Inclusive consultations – guiding principle UNDG supported 3 streams of consultations - National, Regional and Global thematic consultations Other parallel consultations to inform the SG – High Level Panel (HLP), Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), CSOs, Global Compact (pvt sector)

6 Inputs – Key Reports in 2013 HLP – A New Global Partnerships: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development (proposal of 12 goals) UNDG Report – A Million Voices: The World We Want (Sept 2013) SDSN Report – An Action Agenda for Sustainable Development (proposal of 10 Goals) SG’s Report – A Life of Dignity for All

7 The Open Working Group (OWG)
30 member representatives of the GA Tasked to bring together Rio +20 Aspirations and the Post 2015 Development agenda – SDGs Started work in January 2014, considering all key reports Proposal of 17 Goals and 169 targets to the GA. It is important to note that the proposed SDGs and targets were a results of all submissions by various processes!!!

8 Analytics: The World We Want and MY World  MY World Stats:  7,138,023 Votes (17 Feb 2015)

9 Where Are We Now? As per SG’s synthesis report, the 17 Sustainable Goals and 169 Goals which has been proposed by the Open Working Group are the basis for SDGs negotiations. The vision is for the goals to promote sustainable development and poverty eradication. The first 16 goals address priority areas that: Increase the ambition/ improving and sustaining current achievements on existing MDG goals (poverty, health education, gender) with added dimensions on Economic sustainability (inclusive growth, jobs, infrastructure, industrialization) Environmental sustainability (climate change, oceans and land based ecosystems, sustainable consumption and production) All held together by the glue of ‘peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development’ (governance agenda, rule of law, violence). The 17th goal covers means of implementation (finance, trade, technology, capacity building, partnerships, and data)

10 The OWG’s Proposed 17 SDGs

11 The SDGs versus MDGs Key Strengths of the proposed SDGs include:-
The notion of leaving no one behind – with many targets aspiring zero/fully coverage (raising the ambition of the MDGs) Stand alone goal of Inequality (within and between countries) Stand alone goal on gender inequality , including ending of all forms of violence, discrimination, child marriages, and female genital mutilations

12 The SDGs versus MDGs Environmental issues are strongly represented – fulfilling a long sought marriage between development and environment (climate change, marine and land base ecosystems, and sustainable consumption and production) Governance - for the first time – incorporating a goal and targets on governance and peaceful societies (legal identity, tackling corruption and bribery etc) Participatory/Inclusiveness Process in formulation of the SDGs: The participation and buy in of a wide range of stakeholders including member states and non governmental organizations The broad nature of the SDG is also a reflection of the nature of challenges facing the world today

13 SG’s Synthesis Report: Reflections
UN Secretary-General’s synthesis report on the post-2015 development agenda - ‘The Road to Dignity by 2030: Ending Poverty, Transforming All Lives and Protecting the Planet', proposes an integrated set of six essential elements: dignity; people; prosperity; planet; justice; and partnership. On dignity, the report stresses eradicating poverty as the agenda's overarching objective, and calls for addressing challenges related to inequality, the rights of women, youth and minorities (MDGs1, 3 and SDGs 1, 5) On people, the report recommends addressing, inter alia: education; health; violence against women and girls; and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) – (MDGs 2, 4, 5, 6 and SDGs 2, 3, 4) On prosperity, the report calls for inclusive growth that ensures all people have employment, social protection and access to financial services (SDGs, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). On planet, the report calls for equitably addressing climate change, halting biodiversity loss and addressing desertification and unsustainable land use, protecting forests, mountains, oceans, and wildlife and reducing disaster risk (MDG 7 and SDGs 6, 12, 13, 14, 15). On justice, the report discusses governance, reconciliation, peacebuilding and state-building (SDG 16). On partnership, the report describes elements of transformative partnerships that place people, planet and mutual accountability at the centre (MDG 8 and SDG 17) .

14 Six Elements of the SDGs

15 The SG’s Synthesis Report
In brief the report: Endorses the 17 goals and 169 targets agreed to in July by the Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Demonstrates the extensive consultation that has gone into crafting the agenda, and the broad-based support that now exists for an ambitious and comprehensive final agreement; Makes the case for an integrated, universal sustainable development agenda that links inclusive economic growth, human well-being and the imperative to sustain healthy ecosystems; Puts the broader international human rights framework at the core of the agenda, including economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights, as well as the right to development and future generations’ right to well-being. In implementing a new agenda, the report recommends: committing to a universal approach with solutions that address all countries and groups.

16 Way Forward – The Next Steps
Localizing the SDG? What does this mean in practice? Localizing as monitoring SDGs at sub-national level –– disaggregated data at sub-national level and capacity issues Localizing as the role of LGAs in implementing the goals – capacity issues? Partnerships? Participatory monitoring – Asking people what they think: Using perception data to monitor the SDGs Implementation and Monitoring are complimentary! Integration within the SDG framework is essential in that a number of development challenges - gender, equality, rights, governance, and resilience, cut across all of the goals The unfinished business of the MDGs - what worked and what didn’t work? Role in SSC Big data/data revolution – Is there a role for the UN and DPs in Tanzania? Look at the capacity gaps and data requirements and even test some of the proposed SDGs to inform the data and capacity gaps.

17 Where to get information?

18 Thank You

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