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MATLAB – Basic For Loops

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1 MATLAB – Basic For Loops
Topics Covered: Loops in MATLAB - To repeat code - To access elements of an array Instructor notes: This set of slides covers loops, in particular the for-end loop. Also covered is the break command, which allows a program to jump out of a loop prior to reaching the terminal value of the loop counter. Instructional objectives: Acquire advanced programming concepts including programming using loops Use loops (for-end) and break statements in MATLAB for programming MATLAB - 9

2 Loops in MatLab What is a Loop ?
A loop allows a group of commands in a program to be repeated. Each repetition of the loop is called a pass. Either the number of passes can be fixed. Or the loop can be terminated after some condition is satisfied. Instructor notes: This slide is fairly straightforward. Looping causes a group of commands to be executed repeatedly before moving on to the commands that follow the loop. A loop has a beginning statement, a statement or group of statements that make up its body, and an ending statement. Each time program execution moves through the loop it is called a pass. The number of passes through a loop can be set to some fixed amount, or the looping can be set to continue until a specified condition is reached. It is very likely, and quite possible, that all of the variables used by a loop will reach new values for each pass. We’re talking about the first case today (simple use of a fixed number of passes). MATLAB - 9

3 Examples of basic for–end Loops
for k = 1:3 disp(k) end X=[5, 10, 15, 20]; for i = 1: length(X) disp(X(i)) end Output: 1 2 3 Output: 5 10 15 20 Instructor Notes: These 2 small examples give the essence of the for-end command. The students should type these as programs and then run them to have a feel of how the commands work. MATLAB - 9

4 for–end loops with vectors
Create the vector v = [ ]. Calculate and print the square of each element. Output: vs = 4 4 16 Program: v = [ ] ; for k = 1 : 4 vs(k) = v(k)^2 end Instructor notes: This example introduces the student of going through a vector element by element. Very important that the students understand the addressing of vectors using the for-end loop. Note how the output array is being created one element at a time by the computer. MATLAB - 9

5 Calculate the factorial of 5
What is a factorial? l If n=5 and x=1, you continue up to 5 x=x * i 1*1=1 1*2=2 2*3=6 6*4=24 24*5=120 Now, let’s try to have Matlab calculate the factorial of 5.. Presentation Short Title

6 Additional basic for-end loop example
clc clear %This script file calculates the factorial of a number %declare the number you wish to calculate the factorial for n=5; %calculate factorial using a for loop x=1; for i=1:n x=x*i; end fprintf('The factorial of %i is %i\n',n,x)

7 Matlab Tip of the Day – Dividing your code into Sections
Helps focus on one section of the script file Reduces overall computation time Easy to identify errors Helps create awesome published documents  Simple to use All you need is %% (two comment characters or double percent)

8 Using %% - The Steps Start first code section with %%
Write the code for the first section Use %% again to start the next section and so on To run only a particular section Select particular section (by clicking anywhere in the section) Press Ctrl+Enter To run overall code or to publish – same as before

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