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A Simple Observation, A Single Report

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Presentation on theme: "A Simple Observation, A Single Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Simple Observation, A Single Report
If you are reporting suspicious activity or behavior please click continue to submit an iWATCH Suspicious Activity Report (SAR). If not, click cancel You may also report by telephone to the Picatinny Arsenal Police Department at /7273 (PAPD) In an Emergency Dial 911 CANCEL CONTINUE A Simple Observation, A Single Report can lead to actions that may STOP a terrorist attack

2 Picatinny Arsenal iWATCH Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)
Exactly when and where the incident occurred: Date: MM/DD/YY Time: : a.m. p.m. Location: [Building number, street, residential area, etc.] CANCEL CONTINUE 1/6

3 Picatinny Arsenal iWATCH Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)
Suspicious Activity Indicated: 1. 2. 3. Surveillance. Someone trying to monitor or record activities Elicitation. People or groups attempting to gain information through inquiries Supplies. Acquiring weapons & explosives, their components, or controlled items 4. 5. 6. Funding/Financing. Suspicious transactions, fund laundering, large cash payouts Tests of Security. Any attempt to measure reaction times to security breeches Suspicious people, objects & vehicles. Don’t seem to belong in the area 7. 8. Rehearsals/Dry Runs. Practice trials, monitoring Police radio & response times Deployment. Moving assets into an attack position - IMMEDIATELY CALL 911! CANCEL CONTINUE 2/6

4 CANCEL CONTINUE Picatinny Arsenal iWATCH
Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Describe the circumstances of the incident: [What is happening, Who is doing it, When did you observe, Where is it happening, Why are you suspicious] CANCEL CONTINUE 3/6

5 CANCEL CONTINUE Picatinny Arsenal iWATCH
Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Description of person(s): [Include gender, ethnicity, age, height & general appearance] CANCEL CONTINUE 4/6

6 Picatinny Arsenal iWATCH Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)
Vehicle information: N/A Make: Model: Color: License Plate State: No: Distinctive markings: CANCEL CONTINUE 5/6

7 Picatinny Arsenal iWATCH Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)
Reporting party Your Name: Phone: Organization/Unit: CANCEL SUBMIT 6/6

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