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Welcome to Survivor Island.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Survivor Island."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Survivor Island

2 Disaster Tribes Create a tribe name and Design your totem pole!
Each class will be split into several natural disaster tribes of 3-5 students. Disaster Tribes will work together during immunity and reward challenges to earn points or rewards. Your goal will be to find a way to help people SURVIVE AND ADAPT your natural disaster! Let’s get started ... Create a tribe name and Design your totem pole! Decorated Totem Poles are due on Monday 3/19 for 50 points! Best totem poles earn a prize.

3 Immunity Challenges Immunity challenges will relate to natural disasters and the STEM engineering design process. The theme of each challenge will be revealed in each Survivor Tree Mail announcement. The tribe with the highest score earns immunity and will wear an immunity necklace until the next immunity challenge.

4 The ultimate Immunity Challenge will be in the form of SHARK TANK!!!
We will have a panel of real-world critics that are experts in Recovering from Natural Disasters. Ex. Home Insurance Adjusters, Water Specialists, Financial Analysts, Technology Communications

5 Reward Challenges Challenges will relate to
STEM Design and Real-World Problems. Tribes will earn rewards for their efforts, such as locker passes, candy, soda, treasure chest items, and more! The tribe with the highest score will earn the reward and a bonus of 75 points for their team’s score.

6 Are you ready for the challenge?


8 What is the problem? There are many natural disasters happening all around the world. Many people are not prepared to face these disasters. Your tribe will be creating a survivor prototype to help people prepare or recover from natural disasters. This invention will be marketed as a product that helps people during an assigned disaster.

9 As a TRIBE, you will go through the STEM engineering design process
As a TRIBE, you will go through the STEM engineering design process. You will create, build, and innovate your new product. The product will be a real world solution to SURVIVE your natural disaster. This invention will be presented to our SURVIVAL Shark Tank with a formal, tri-fold business presentation.

10 Topics Earthquakes Flooding Drought Tsunami Tornadoes Wild Fires
Hurricanes Blizzards/Snow Storms Topics


12 Real- World Solutions

13 Innovation EXAMPLES

14 Products that solve immediate needs!

15 What is a prototype?

16 How do engineers improve their designs?

17 Life Straw timeline of innovation and design:
Where it began: The Original Life Straw Innovation: Sawyer mini filter commercial and uses Testing the Results: Who is it made for, how will it be made, and what problems does it solve?

18 Week 1 & 2: STEM Process Individuals Brainstorm design ideas
Ask Imagine Identify / Research the problem Determine design constraints Consider relevant prior knowledge Individuals Brainstorm design ideas Draw and label those ideas on a prototype Plan Create Tribe Picks one idea or merges concepts Illustrate and label the idea Identify needed materials or conditions for prototype Carry out the plan Create the design Test the design Improve Reflect on strengths and weaknesses Plan for, create and test a new (improved or innovative) design

19 Project Plan: Monday: Research Day, Disaster Data
Tuesday: Practice the Engineering Process in the Real World, Science Scope Inventions Wednesday: Prototype Planner for Invention Thursday: All Materials for Prototype are Due! Finish Planning Design and Introduce Trifold Friday: Drought Proofing Australia/ STEM in Action with Natural Disasters

20 In Summary: Why are you doing this?
Have you done anything like this before? STEM Lens: How does this task relate to other subjects or your personal life?

21 The STEM Awards 2018 Design Challenge hotlink

22 Then, Utilize Skills for the 21st Century in Shark Tank!
Week 5&6: STEM Process Then, Utilize Skills for the 21st Century in Shark Tank! Global Awareness Initiative and Self-Direction Flexibility and Adaptability Effective Interaction with Others Market your product in a Formal Business Presentation to business partners


24 Pictures of Disaster Impacts
Math: Packaging NET measurements, dimensions, and diagram Pictures of Disaster Impacts Shipping Cost & Weight Reflection: Results and World Implications

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