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How do we study brain/behavior relationships?

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Presentation on theme: "How do we study brain/behavior relationships?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we study brain/behavior relationships?
Populations: Animal Models: advantages: disadvantages:

2 talk about how no animals are ever touched at any University without approval of a 30 or so member committee that includes scientists, vets, community members, etc to ensure ……

3 Human Models populations with injuries or disease normal populations

4 Humans History: phrenology:


6 Non-invasive ways of viewing brain function
Assessment of Structure vs Function

7 Structure CT or Cat Scan

8 CT Scan

9 Structure CT or Cat Scan 3 D xrays



12 Structure CT or Cat Scan MRI's

13 magnetic resonance imaging


15 I think this was identical twins discordant for schizophrenia -


17 Ways to look at function
EEG - electroencephalogram talk about how the EEG measures EPSPs of cortical neurons



20 Ways to look at function
EEG – electroencephalogram ERPs – evoked related potentials brief discussion of what ERPs are

21 could talk about how this is changed in alcoholics and we might attribute that to brain damage from alcoholism but that we also can see an altered P wave in some individuals with family history + who have not yet had alcohol (a biomarker?)

22 Ways to look at function
PET scans rCBF – regional cerebral blood flow Premise – more blood flow means more (neuronal) activity

23 Ways to look at function
PET scans rCBF 2DG – 2 deoxyglucose Premise – need for more sugar – need for more energy – more (neuronal) activity

24 Ways to look at function
PET scans rCBG 2DG



27 Structure and Function


29 More Invasive methodology
Histological analysis Lesion studies Rationale – if an area is damaged and behavior changes….. the neurons in that area play a role?

30 Electrical stimulation
Rationale: if we stimulate an area and we produce or stop a particular behavior….the neurons in that region are important for that behavior

31 Delgado’s classic experiment
use delgado to demonstrate how we have to be careful about interpreting behavior

32 Electrical stimulation
Pharmacological manipulations Use of drugs and various agents

33 a lot more techniques are available
Microdialysis- looks at the amount of neurotransmitter released in a region of the brain….

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