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Louis XIV Timeline 1643 – Comes to Power in 1643 at age 4

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Presentation on theme: "Louis XIV Timeline 1643 – Comes to Power in 1643 at age 4"— Presentation transcript:

1 Louis XIV Timeline 1643 – Comes to Power in 1643 at age 4
1660- France is most powerful country in Europe 1661 – 22 year old Louis takes total control of government 1667- Louis invades the Spanish Netherlands 1672 – Louis invades the Dutch Netherlands 1680- Europe forms an alliance to stop France 1682- Palace at Versailles is built 1685- Cancels the Edict of Nantes (restricts religious freedoms of Hugenots) War of Spanish Succession 1715- Louis dies in his bed

2 Example Presentation: The next four slides are what your slides should look like.

3 Louis XIV 1638-1715 (FRANCE) Son of Louis XIII
He was only a four-year-old boy when he began his reign. (1643) “L’etat c’est moi” (I am the state)

4 Absolutism and Louis XIV
Claim: Although his country became a force to be reckoned with in Europe during his reign in France, absolutism proved to be harmful to France as seen through the staggering national debt and heavy taxes that were placed on the people. Counter-Claim (The opposite of your answer to the prompt) Claim (Your answer to the prompt) Reason #1 Reason #2 “Had God forgotten everything I did for him?” ~Louis XIV

5 Louis XIV Beck, Roger B. Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, Print. Schmidt, Louise Boisen. "The King's Bed Chamber." This Is Versailles: Welcome to Versailles! Versailles Company, 01 Jan Web. 01 Dec

6 Works Cited Beck, Roger B. Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, Print Schmidt, Louise Boisen. "The King's Bed Chamber." This Is Versailles: Welcome to Versailles! Versailles Company, 01 Jan Web. 01 Dec

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