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Half or more of US NEE may be in mountainous regions

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1 Half or more of US NEE may be in mountainous regions
US Elevation Map Niwot Ridge NEE % Area

2 Towers over 650 feet AGL

3 Regional Atmospheric Continuous CO2 Network in the Rocky Mountains (Rocky RACCOON)
Existing and Planned NACP CO2 Sites Existing () and Planned (O) Sites Potential Future Sites (O) (courtesy S. Denning)

4 Autonomous, Inexpensive, Robust CO2 Analyzer (AIRCOA)
Goal: 0.1 ppm precision and 0.1 ppm reproducibility on 2.5 min. measurements $10K in parts ($20K total) and operates autonomously for months at a time

5 Laboratory intercomparisons
Laboratory offsets less than 0.05 ppm (1-sigma = 0.13 ppm) Field surveillance tanks 2.5-month average field differences from assigned values 0.01 to 0.10 ppm (1-sigma = 0.10 to 0.13 ppm)




9 RAMS Model results morning afternoon Potential temp. CO2

10 Automated web-based output

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