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1 Please read the following License Agreement before proceeding.
License Agreement for Use of Electronic Resources The illustrations and photographs in this PowerPoint are protected by copyright. Permission to use these materials is strictly limited to educational purposes associated with the course for which you have adopted Krugman’s Economics for AP®, Second Edition. You may project these materials in lectures, post them on password-protected course websites, include them in course documents, or use them in any other manner that is consistent with their intended use as materials to aid in the teaching of the course for which you have purchased Krugman’s Economics for AP®, Second Edition. The following restrictions apply to materials posted on course websites: The website must be available only to students taking the course for which you have adopted our program or to registered users of your institution’s network. They may not be posted on sites accessible to the general public outside your institution. Please note that this restriction is an IMPORTANT PROTECTION FOR YOU: Copyright holders will seek (and have sought) legal action if you post copyrighted photographs or other materials to open-access sites. If requested, you must provide BFW/Worth Publishers with the URL and password required to access the site. The name of the copyright holder (BFW/Worth Publishers, unless otherwise indicated) must appear with each item at all times. Note: Most of the photos herein are owned by other parties/individuals. The copyright holder is listed with the image. You may not post materials other than in the context of course material for the course for which you have adopted our program. You may not distribute these materials to others not associated with the course for which you have adopted our program. Nor may you use any of the materials in any context other than the teaching of this course, without first receiving written permission from the copyright holder (BFW/Worth Publishers, unless otherwise indicated). In using these PowerPoint slides, you agree to accept responsibility for protecting the copyrights to the materials contained herein. If you have any questions regarding permitted uses of these materials, please contact: Permissions Manager BFW/Worth Publishers 33 Irving Place, 10th Floor New York, NY

2 KRUGMAN’S Economics for AP® S E C O N D E D I T I O N

3 Section 6 Module 36

4 What You Will Learn in this Module
List and describe the elements of the modern macroeconomic consensus Explain the main remaining disputes What You Will Learn in this Module Section 6 | Module 36

5 Classical macroeconomics Keynesian macroeconomics
Five Key Questions About Macroeconomic Policy Classical macroeconomics Keynesian macroeconomics Monetarism Modern consensus Is expansionary monetary policy helpful in fighting recessions? No Not very Yes Yes, except in special circumstances Is expansionary fiscal policy effective in fighting recessions? Can monetary and/or fiscal policy reduce unemployment in the long run? Should fiscal policy be used in a discretionary way? No, except in special circumstances Should monetary policy be used in a discretionary way? Still in dispute Section 6 | Module 36

6 F Y I Supply-Side Economics
Almost all economists agree that tax cuts increase incentives to work and invest. However, attempts to estimate these incentive effects indicate that, at current U.S. tax levels, they aren’t nearly strong enough to support the strong claims made by supply-siders. The core of the “supply-side economics” view of economic policy was the belief that reducing tax rates, and so increasing the incentives to work and invest, would have a powerful positive effect on the growth rate of potential output. Section 6 | Module 36

7 Should Monetary Policy Be Used in a Discretionary Way?
There is a broad consensus among macroeconomists on these points: Monetary policy should play the main role in stabilization policy. The central bank should be independent. Discretionary fiscal policy should be used sparingly. Section 6 | Module 36

8 Should Monetary Policy Be Used in a Discretionary Way?
However, there are debates over how the central bank should set its policy. The questions: Should the central bank be given a defined target or the discretion to manage the economy? Should the central bank manage asset prices? What should the central bank do when conventional policy has reached it limits? Section 6 | Module 36

9 The Clean Little Secret of Macroeconomics
The clean little secret of modern macroeconomics is how much consensus economists have reached over the past 70 years. Section 6 | Module 36

10 Summary The modern consensus is that monetary and fiscal policy are both effective in the short run but that neither can reduce the unemployment rate in the long run. Discretionary fiscal policy is considered generally unadvisable, except in special circumstances. There are continuing debates about the appropriate role of monetary policy. Section 6 | Module 36

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