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1 *Use for Study Purposes Only*
10A + 10B Vocabulary Words Study PowerPoint *English 1 Vocabulary* *Use for Study Purposes Only*

2 Despicable Despicable Picture
Definition: Worthy of scorn, contemptible. Synonyms: Low, vile, cheap, sordid, and detestable Antonyms: Praiseworthy, commendable, and meritorious Despicable Picture

3 Chide Chide Child Definition: To blame, scold.
Synonyms: Upbraid, reprimand, rebuke, and chastise Antonyms: Approve, praise, compliment, and pat-on-the-back Chide Child

4 Bleak Bleak Bare Definition: Bare, dreary, dismal.
Synonyms: Grim, cheerless, gloomy, desolate, and barren Antonyms: Rosy, cheerful, sunny, promising, and encouraging Bleak Bare

5 No Antonyms found for this word
Aspire Definition: To have ambitious hopes or plans, strive toward a higher goal, desire earnestly, to ascend. Synonyms: Seek, yearn, aim for, and soar No Antonyms found for this word Aspire Inspire

6 Adept Definition: (adj.) Thoroughly skilled; (n) An expert. Synonyms: (adj.) Masterful, accomplished, and proficient Antonyms: Clumsy, unskilled, and maladroit / (n) Novice and beginner Adept Mr. DePolo

7 Extemporaneous Extemporaneous Temporary
Definition: Made or delivered on the spur of the movement. Synonyms: Spontaneous, impromptu, and off-the-cuff Antonyms: Planned, rehearsed, and prepared Extemporaneous Temporary

8 No Antonyms found for this word
Exploit Definition: (v) To make use of, develop, to make improper use for personal profit; (n) A feat deed. Synonyms: (v) Utilize, turn to advantage, and misuse No Antonyms found for this word Exploit Plot or Profit

9 Diminutive Diminutive Mini
Definition: Small, smaller than most others of the same type. Synonyms: Undersized, miniature, tiny, and compact Antonyms: Oversized, gigantic, huge, and enormous Diminutive Mini

10 Emancipate Emancipate Free Man
Definition: To free from slavery, to release. Synonyms: Set loose, unchain, unshackle, and unfetter Antonyms: Enslave, snare, chain, and shackle Emancipate Free Man

11 Erroneous Erroneous Error Definition: Incorrect, containing mistakes.
Synonyms: Mistaken, fallacious, and all wrong Antonyms: Accurate, correct, exact, and unerring Erroneous Error

12 Rugged Definition: Rough, irregular, severe, stern, strong, stormy. Synonyms: Rocky, craggy, blunt, harsh, hardy, and tough Antonyms: Smooth, flat, soft, mild, tender, and delicate Rugged Rough

13 Impair Impair Imperfect Definition: To make imperfect, damage, harm.
Synonyms: Injure, mar, disable, cripple, and enervate Antonyms: Improve, strengthen, promote, and advance Impair Imperfect

14 Invincible Invincible Winning
Definition: Not able to be defeated, unbeatable. Synonyms: Unconquerable, indomitable, and insuperable Antonyms: Vulnerable, conquerable, and surmountable Invincible Winning

15 No Antonyms found for this word
Mire Definition: (n) Mud; wet swampy ground; a tough situation; (v) To get stuck. Synonyms: Marsh, swamp, bog, and slough No Antonyms found for this word Mire Mud

16 Obtrusive Obtrusive Obnoxis
Definition: Forward, undesirably, prominent; thrust out. Synonyms: Brash, impudent, conspicuous, and protruding Antonyms: Meek, reserved, deferential, and recessed Obtrusive Obnoxis

17 Preamble Preamble Pre-
Definition: An introduction to a speech or piece of writing. Synonyms: Opening, preface, prologue, and preliminary Antonyms: Conclusion, ending, closing, and epilogue Preamble Pre-

18 Slipshod Slipshod Lip stick
Definition: Untidy in dress, personal habits, etc. careless, sloppy Synonyms: Messy, untidy, slovenly, slapdash, and cursory Antonyms: Tidy, neat, orderly, careful, and painstaking Slipshod Lip stick

19 No Antonyms found for this word
Render Definition: To cause to become; to perform, to deliver, officially, to process, extract. Synonyms: Present, furnish, submit, make, and effect No Antonyms found for this word Render Sender

20 Languid Languid Language Arts
Definition: Drooping; without energy, sluggish. Synonyms: Lazy, sluggish, listless, slack, and lethargic Antonyms: Lively, energetic, vigorous, and enlivening Languid Language Arts

21 Skeptical Skeptical Kept
Definition: Inclined to doubt; slow to accept something as true. Synonyms: Dubious, suspicious, and incredulous Antonyms: Believing, credulous, gullible, and ingenuous Skeptical Kept

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