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Berkeley County Schools

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1 Berkeley County Schools
WESTEST DATA 2013 Berkeley County Schools South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV

2 Data, Our GPS It Tells us where our students were and what they still need if they are to reach their learning destination. Not only do teachers have a clear idea of students’ academic needs, but students themselves also know where they stands. It shows us our current reality. Determining what students need and working together to provide direction are the keys to our county’s success!

3 As you look at your data you need to ask yourself three critical questions…are you ….KEEPING UP?....CATCHING UP?...or FALLING BEHIND?

4 Berkeley County Schools
WESTEST DATA 2013 Berkeley County Schools South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV

5 Mathematics Berkeley County Schools South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV

6 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401

7 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401
Math Grade 3 Trend

8 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401

9 RLA Berkeley County Schools South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV

10 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401

11 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401
RLA Grade 3 Trend

12 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401

13 Science Berkeley County Schools South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV

14 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401

15 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401
Science Grade 3 Trend

16 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401

17 Social Studies Berkeley County Schools South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV

18 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401

19 Social Studies Grade 3 Trend
Berkeley County Schools South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV Social Studies Grade 3 Trend

20 Berkeley County Schools . 401 South Queen Street . Martinsburg, WV 25401

21 Delving into the Data Toolkit
Begin looking at your data…. What is the data telling you? What might need further investigation? The questions spark the conversation about the data which is the key to understanding the data. When we question data, we should be trying to answer two questions: What do I see in the data? What questions do I have about what I see in the the data? You are trying to determine the possible ROOT CAUSES for the data. Root causes are those deeper underlying causes. Root Cause Analysis… What happened? How did it happen? Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again? System Thinking…mission ….vision… core beliefs Key Indicators of student success…student focused measurable results Databased decision making… Root Cause Analysis

22 Martinsburg High Diagonal
The diagonal gives you two pictures…Vertically, you are looking at same grade different groups of students and diagonally, you are looking at same students different grades…. Questions you might ask on with this chart…vertically…if you are consistently seeing the same weaknesses each year….could it be an instructional issue…curriculum issue??? Look at your Standards diagonal discuss with assistant …..celebrations and possible areas of concern… Discuss the Reading/Writing Diagonally…Is a particular subgroup of students who are consistently showing areas of concern.

23 What can we pull from these two pieces of data?
What is the biggest portion of your pie chart telling you? Remember the numbers reflect students…Putting the Faces on the data….How did you accomplish this last year??? Bar Graph…Catching up…Keeping Up…Falling Behind???

24 Confidential Item Analysis
Common Core vs Westest…Do NOT have TIME NOT to teach the Common Core…It is our curriculum…. Times Tested…focus on 2012 objectives for this years Westest… DOK…Social Studies

25 Writing The numbers on the chart reflect the percent of students who scored a 4, 5, or 6 in each analytic trait….Looking vertically shows you the performance in each trait for that year…Looking horizontally shows you trend data over time the consistent weakness. The mean percent correct reflects percent of students who scored 1-6; however the chart overall reflects 4, 5, and 6’s…

26 Old Adequate Yearly Progress
Participation Rates Annual Measurable Objectives (Proficiency Rates) Attendance/Graduation Rates

27 New Accountability System
2 Components… -Holistic Targets – Schoolwide Performance -Individualized AMOs –Subgroup-specific Performance -Both allow for Targeted goal-setting Targeted service-provision Progress monitoring First Part… You are looking at Multiple measures -Achievement -Achievement Gaps -Growth -Graduation/Attendance Rates Add up to an index score Cell size is will be 20 Subgroup vs nonsubgroup

28 5 Designations Priority Support Focus Transition Success Priority
-Persistently lowest performing -Achievement only Focus -Largest achievement gaps -Achievement for elementary/middle Graduation rates for high schools Reward Criteria -High progress –highest growing -High achieving –highest performing Support -Low achievement, -Large Gaps -Low Growth -Low Graduation Rates -Making inconsistent or no progress

29 First Data Team…What pieces from the Toolkit should they be given
First Data Team…What pieces from the Toolkit should they be given???...Job embedded PD… High Performing Schools… Support the Whole Child Hard Data…beyond the summative assessment Accountability…held account to the changes necessary for the common core…they need to instructed differently Relationship Building Enrichment Mind Set Focus should be on enrichment not remediation Increased student engagement Increased student achievement.

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