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Two-factor Cross, F1 RRYY x rryy Round/yellow peas wrinkled/green

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Presentation on theme: "Two-factor Cross, F1 RRYY x rryy Round/yellow peas wrinkled/green"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alleles segregate during gamete formation, but do they do it independently?

2 Two-factor Cross, F1 RRYY x rryy Round/yellow peas wrinkled/green
What will offspring look like? Gives hybrid plants needed for next cross

3 Two-Factor Cross, F2 RrYy x RrYy

4 Independent Assortment
Genes for different traits can segregate independently during the formation of gametes. Leads to genetic variation in plants, animals, and other organisms.

5 Not all genes show simple patterns of dominant and recessive
Incomplete dominance Codominance Multiple alleles Polygenic traits Sex-linked

6 Incomplete Dominance RW One allele NOT dominant over another
Four o’clock plants RR x WW RW

7 Codominance Both alleles contribute to the phenotype
Chicken: black feathers codom with white Heterozygous = erminette (speckled) Humans: protein controlling cholesterol levels Blood type

8 Many genes have more than 2 alleles Coat color in rabbits
Multiple Alleles Many genes have more than 2 alleles Coat color in rabbits Human gene for blood type




12 Polygenic Traits Traits controlled by two or more genes
At least three genes involved in reddish-brown pigment in eyes of fruit flies Different combinations of alleles produce different eye colors Polygenic traits often show a wide range of phenotypes Skin color in humans partly because more than four different genes probably control this trait

13 Sex-linked Genes

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