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Richard H. Johnson, Paul E. Ciesielski, Brian D

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1 NAME Tier 1 Atmospheric/Oceanic Process and Budget Studies using ISS Data
Richard H. Johnson, Paul E. Ciesielski, Brian D. McNoldy Colorado State University

2 TIER 1 SOUNDINGS = NOAA R/V Ronald Brown = S-band Dual-Pol. Radar
US I US US 88D I US M5 M 88D M US M5 88D I M5 I M US M M5 10P M M M5 = SMN 5 cm Doppler Radar 88D = WSR 88D Doppler Radar 10P = S-band Dual-Pol. Radar M = SMN Op. RAOB US = U.S. Op. RAOB I = ISS Profiler/ RAOB = UHF Profiler w/RASS M M M M = NOAA R/V Ronald Brown 5 / .85 cm Dopp. Radars, Profilers, RAOB, Fluxes, aerosols, SST/CTD/ADCP M NOAA ETL surface flux system RAOB Budget network

3 Puerto Penasco • 3 NCAR ISSs (GPS sounding, UHF profiler, RASS, sfc station); 1 GLASS ISS sounding network designed to determine: – initiation mechanisms, structure, and propagation of surges – mechanisms for diurnal cycle of convection – air-sea exchanges, upper-ocean changes – atmospheric budgets, latent heating profiles over land and ocean Kino Bay • SMN soundings Los Mochis Loreto or Santa Rosalia S-POL fluxes, upper-ocean

4 (Mapes et al. 2003)

5 ISS Network 3 ISSs (Integrated Sounding Systems)
GPS sounding system UHF wind profiler (winds up to ~ 4 km) RASS (Radio Acoustic Sounding System) (Tv profiles) Surface met station 1 mobile sounding system (GLASS) GPS sounding system Surface met station

6 Data Processing/Dissemination Plan
Real Time All “preliminary” data on the web Soundings onto GTS – PIBAL messages are generated – Data available for operational models Local internet service required CSU soundings-monitoring/processing/display facility Quality-controlled data (ATD ISS staff) Six months after project, all data Consensus profiler winds (30-min intervals) Exabyte tapes, DVD, or FTP; ASCII or net CDF Further quality control by JOSS/CSU?

7 Special Issues Staffing Siting (to be determined) Supplies
10 operators required continuously Crew change at midpoint recommended operators! Training required Local requirements: interpreters (?), safety Siting (to be determined) 16’  16’ area, unobstructed view of sky for 50’ radius, 8’ above ground unobstructed fetch, no shadowing Supplies 130 T-cylinders of helium

8 Field Coordination Requirements
Launch frequency IOP – 6  daily at 2 southern sites – 2  daily at 2 northern sites non-IOP – 2  daily at all sites 24-h notice needed for IOPs (possibly shorter) IOP decisions ( 10 IOPs, averaging 2 days each) Coordinate with aircraft, radar, other ops Assign IOPs/optimize resources to satisfy NAME objectives (surges, MCSs, diurnal cycle, easterly waves, upper-level disturbances)

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