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Garri Processing Machine Sustainability Track

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Presentation on theme: "Garri Processing Machine Sustainability Track"— Presentation transcript:

1 Garri Processing Machine Sustainability Track
Team: Alissa Albert (IE) & Anne Froustet (IE): Cost analysis, Benchmarking/Initial testing Coleman Glasgow (ME) & Joey Lawson (ME): Mechanical analysis (including stress/fatigue calculations) Guide: Dr. Taylor Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering department

2 Project Overview Garri is a staple food of West Africa made from the cassava root Production is time consuming and labor intensive Design a machine to improve upon current processing methods Project intended to benefit lower class Nigerian families Project propsed by rit alum and west african native Eze Kamanu Our target customer is lower class families, making up approximately 30% of the Nigerian population. Initial production targets 10% of lower class

3 Quarter Review Redefine Objectives Concept Development and Revision
Feasibility Analysis Define customer and processes to focus on Concept Development - Brainstorming, benchmarking, Concept review, revised design to meet budget and time constraints Feasibility analysis included testing of commercially available products - by peeling yams, time trials etc

4 Final Design

5 Final Design

6 MSD II: Project Plan Acquire materials and components
Machine and assemble grater base and peeler support Sand casting Testing Learn sand casting process Create an artifact for production via sandcasting Initial Testing Modify components based on results of tests Final testing and tweaking of prototype Prep for final demonstrations and feasibility, presentation - work on paper, web, poster etc

7 Test Plan Critical Areas Cycle Time % Waste Required Re-work
What and how (if asked about fatigue - structure designed for infinite life (1 million cycles) Blades require sharpening or replacement, supply 2 extra blades, grater must be purchased How: peel yucca

8 Budget Plan

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