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Collective Impact Plus A sytemic Approach

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1 Collective Impact Plus A sytemic Approach
SAISIA Annual Integration Summit Regina, Saskatchewan September 7, 2018 Professional Development Activity Les Sentiers du leadership inc. André Lalonde et Lise Lortie

2 Some preliminary facts and comments on Francophone immigration
Francophone immigration is not natural It must constantly be created and provoked ! Targets set at between 4 % and 5 % of total immigration annually to maintain demographic weight of francophone population in Canada. Francophone immigration has traditionally been associated with Québec. CFSM (Francophone communities outside Québec) are increasingly diverse. Greatest increase in francophone population is in Alberta and until recently in Saskatchewan.

3 Systemic view of Francophone immigration in Canada Portrait systémique de l’Immigration francophone au Canada

4 LIPs and RIFs in Canada Local Immigration Partnerships (LIP)
Strategic planning and action unit in Immigration LIPs are local or regional Réseaux en immigration francophone (RIF) Strategic planning and action unit in Francophone immigration RIFs are regional or provincial/territorial

5 Collaboration between RIFs and LIPs
British Columbia 1 Prairies 3 Ontario 3 Atlantic 4 Saskatchewan 1 LIPs British Columbia 19 Prairies 14 Ontario 35 Atlantic 7 Saskatchewan 2

6 Collective Impact in Francophone Immigration
National collaboration strategy to support Francophone immigration in CFSMs Table nationale de concertation communautaire (national coalition) Joint Committee IRCC – CFSM National Framework Logic model Seeking collective impact of Francophone immigration on CFSM and Canada

7 Collective Impact in Francophone Immigration (2)
Provincial/territorial/regional strategy to support Francophone immigration in the province/territory RIF Strategic plan - provincial Action plans - local Seeking collective impact on the community and in the province/territory

8 Collective Impact in Francophone Immigration (3)
Local strategy to support francophone immigration in CFSM Local committees Local action plans Projects and initiatives Welcoming and inclusive communities Seeking successful integration/inclusion of Francophone and Francophile immigrants and positive impact on the local community

9 Include and mobilize Settlement services providers, municipalities, individuals, organisations, institutions, governments and agencies, immigrants, cultural groups, employers, other interested parties, etc. Strive for active, engaged partners Are all parts contributing to the whole ? Need to improve: How to include immigrants and cultural groups in the process and the content of settlement/integration/inclusion

10 Energize and collaborate around a common agenda
Common vision - inspiring Collective mission – working together toward a common goal Dialogue vs debate – building on ideas Shared leadership – leader of leaders Collaborative governance – letting go of power Learn to collaborate … it’s not our usual way of doing business Need to improve: From competition to collaboration, decision making processes

11 Energize and collaborate around a common agenda
Strategic plans and action plans Canada-wide Province/territory Regions Local communities Efforts at coordinating and planning more globally 3 regions in Ontario – one provincial strategic plan Atlantic committee Prairies

12 Evaluate through shared measurement
Evaluate to learn – developmental evaluation approach (Patton) Evaluate to be accountable Shared measurement activities embedded in action plans, meeting agendas / use of common measurement tools National Assessment Framework for RIFs (2018) Need to improve : common measurement tools, training on shared measurement, streamline reporting mechanisms, financial resources

13 Move from planning to collective ACTION
Mutually reinforcing activities Effective partnerships Shared leadership Need to improve : partner participation and commitment, sustainable mobilization, resources for projects

14 Communicate and learn From each other (dialogue vs debate)
From other communities From collected data From research Comprehensive communication plans ex. RIF – Saskatchewan Journée de réflexion sur l’immigration francophone SAISIA Need to improve: trust and transparency – information sharing

15 Adjust, correct and improve
Design thinking … begins and ends with the client’s needs and satisfaction Prototypes – some trial and error short term Flexibility of structures and processes – Build the bridge as you walk on it. Need to improve: flexibility of work processes, flexibility of financing

16 Provide support – build capacity
Backbone structure Adequate financial resources Dedicated staff Professional development and training Professional development in semi-annual meetings of RIF coordinators. Need to improve: support for learning and skills development

17 Moving towards Collective Impact
Include and mobilize the whole system Co-create a common agenda Evaluate using shared measurement Reduce gaps between planning, action and measurement Communicate and learn Adjust, correct and improve Provide support

18 Les Sentiers du leadership
Merci ! Les Sentiers du leadership

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