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Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities

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Presentation on theme: "Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities
Ch. 3 Sec. 2 pp

2 What are your rights, duties, and responsibilities?
Essential Question What are your rights, duties, and responsibilities?

3 Rights of Citizens Vote and hold office Free speech
Practice our religion Fair trial These are based on ideas of equal respect, freedom, equality, and justice

4 Duties of Citizens These are things you must do Obey laws
Defend the nation Serve on juries or as a witness Pay taxes Attend school

5 Responsibilities of Citizens
These are voluntary, you should do them Work towards the common good Voting Holding office Participate in election campaigns Influence the government Serve the community

6 The Citizen Role Be an active participant (e.g., school leader or community leader) Contribute to the common good (e.g., volunteer at a food bank, donate clothes or money) Set priorities for citizenship

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