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Slip, trip & fall Training

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Presentation on theme: "Slip, trip & fall Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slip, trip & fall Training

2 Agenda SLIP, TRIP & FALL TRAINING Why Safety Matters What to Look For
Tips on Prevention Test Your Knowledge

3 Why safety Matters

4 Slips, trips & falls: Why safety matters
Affect 1 million+ Americans every year Make up almost 20% of all job related injuries Account for 15% of all accidental deaths Are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries Result in an average of 11 days away from work Cost employers approx. $40,000 per incident

5 The 411-injuries by the numbers
Common sense Isn't that common Have participants take a moment to recognize what’s wrong with these pictures. Have them take turns explaining the dangers and what the workers should be doing instead. Stress the importance of common sense.

6 Slips, trips & falls are a pain in the…
Why safety matters Slips, trips & falls are a pain in the… Spine Forearms Hands Hip/Pelvis Legs Ankles An estimated 20-30% of people will suffer moderate to severe injuries Discuss the common fractures and other moderate to severe injuries. Talk about some of your own experiences, injuries you’ve seen, and what participants can learn from them.


8 2 types of falls What to look for Fall to the ground
Fall from a height Discuss the two types of falls. Fall to the ground -- when a worker slips or trips and falls to the ground. Fall from a height – which may include objects falling off shelves, boxes tipping over or tools falling from heights. Mention that this presentation will focus on falls to the ground. Take a moment to talk about your specific environment. Have participants list ways that they might experience slips, trips, or falls. Encourage them to talk about hazards they encounter as part of the job and hazards they’ve seen that should be addressed.

9 Actions that cause trips & falls
What to look for Actions that cause trips & falls Carrying too many objects at once Texting & talking on the phone Running in the workplace Take a look at each picture and ask participants to point out how these actions contribute to slips, trips, and falls. Don’t carry too much at once. Ask for help or make two trips. Don’t text and walk, pay attention when talking on the phone Don’t run unless it’s a true emergency

10 Main causes of slips, trips & falls
What to look for Main causes of slips, trips & falls Uneven floor surfaces and unsuitable floor coverings Wet or oily floors Changes in floor level Trailing cables, wires or extension cords across walkways Poor lighting Poor housekeeping/messy and cluttered work stations Ask participants if they can guess what each hazard sign represents. Then click to reveal the real answers to help reinforce the lesson.


12 What’s wrong with this picture?
Test your knowledge What’s wrong with this picture? Ask participants what is wrong with this picture. Hit next to reveal the answer. Answer: Stacked mats are a tripping hazard. One mat is effective and does not cause trips.

13 What’s wrong with this picture?
Test your knowledge What’s wrong with this picture? Ask participants what’s wrong with this picture. Hit next to reveal the answer. Answer: Keeping walkways organized and clear not only looks better, but will keep you safe Keep items close to work stations Keep a clear pathway for others to get through

14 TIPS ON prevention

15 Clean up after yourself Keep walkways clear Stay within walkways
Prevention tip Clean up after yourself Keep walkways clear Stay within walkways Use railings Watch for cord covers, stair treads, floor drains Report any hazards you see Wear slip-resistant footwear Discuss preventions tips. Stress that the solutions above are easy. Talk about hazards that are specific to your facility like chemical spills, oils, crowded aisles, etc. and ask participants what they’ve encountered and if anything should be addressed.

16 Prevention tips – ladder safety
3 points of contact Top step? NO! Repair damage Don’t overload Keep stable & level Pitch <90° No slippery liquids Watch 30 sec video Take a moment to talk about ladder safety and why it’s important: There are over 500,000 people treated for ladder-related injuries every year. Two of the most common ladder mistakes are: not maintaining 3 points of contact using the top rung as a step. Want more pointers on ladder safety? Get a free ladder-safety poster at -


18 Click to Try! Fun competition
There are 8 slip, trip and fall hazards hidden within this scene. Have participants try to find them all. You can do this informally, having everyone call out answers, or have them each write as many as they can find on a piece of paper to see who can get the most. You can even make teams for more friendly competition and consider offering prizes. Need prize ideas? Go here:

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