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Resident/Fellow Complement Change Request (insert Program Name)

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Presentation on theme: "Resident/Fellow Complement Change Request (insert Program Name)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resident/Fellow Complement Change Request (insert Program Name)

2 (insert Program Name) (Permanent or Temporary) Increase Current number of (residents or fellows):(insert #) Increase request to: (insert #) Effective Date: (insert date)

3 Educational Rationale for Complement Change Request: (please give a brief overview of rationale)

4 Major Changes….. (list major changes to program leadership and facilities)

5 Citation Update…… (Insert a brief update on each citation if applicable. If your program has no citations, please report no citations were issued as of this date)

6 (Briefly describe specific circumstances for the change and the provisions (funding) to insure adequacy of the change. Note: The rationale must be exclusively educational and not based on specialty demands)

7 Thank you for your consideration.

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