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Tue 8-10, Period III, Jan-Feb 2018

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1 Applied quantitative analysis a practical introduction SOSM-405 (5 cr) Session 2
Tue 8-10, Period III, Jan-Feb 2018 Faculty of Social Sciences / University of Helsinki Teemu Kemppainen

2 Contents Course objectives Readings for R, Stata and SAS
It’s possible to use these…I can help during the office hours (Tue 10-11:30) Unit non-response and item non-response Different variable types Mean and variation Relationship, association, covariation, correlation… Hands-on!

3 Course objectives To gain an overview of QUAN research process and key concepts To get familiar with the basic techniques and logic of cross-sectional data analysis To gain (even) more confidence to attend more advanced courses and to engage in QUAN or mixed methods research in thesis

4 Readings for R, Stata and SAS






10 Types of non-response Random sample Population Unit non-response Data
Different sampling techniques Item non-response Statistical inference, study objectives

11 Different variable types: it’s good to know what you can do with the ”numbers”

12 Different variable types: it’s good to know what you can do with the ”numbers”
Categories: country, gender, favourite painter etc. numbers are not at all numbers  counting & percentages ok Ordinal: how much agree—disagree, preference order for Picasso, Manet, Renoir and Monet etc. numbers are a bit like numbers…”an approximation of interval scale” in some cases  means, correlation etc…? Interval: temperature, height, weight, income, years of education etc. numbers really are numbers  mean, correlation etc. ”continuous” variables

13 Mean and variation

14 Relationship, association, covariation, correlation…patterns, tendencies
variable, variance, differences Co-variation, covariance, correlation, association, relationship… Next two slides: examples of unadjusted bivariate associations (ESS8)

15 ESS8: Climate change caused by natural processes, human activity, or both…by education

16 ESS8: Climate change caused by natural processes, human activity, or both…by left-right scale

17 Correlation: a visual intuition

18 Hands on!

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