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How to Write an Analytical Essay

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1 How to Write an Analytical Essay
Jessie Daniels, Ph.D. Spring, 2017

2 Writing is Thinking

3 Why does writing seem so hard?


5 revise, persevere, revise, persevere

6 It’s not your fault. Writing isn’t taught.

7 Why not?

8 Neoliberalism

9 Writing, and thinking, clearly are resistance to domination.

10 GOAL: Build an Argument
Why Writing an Essay is Like Creating a Documentary In many ways, building an argument is the same whether in a documentary or in an essay. GOAL: Build an Argument

11 What is an ‘argument’? The point you wish to make.
And, the evidence to back it up.

12 Documentaries What is the key argument in each of the documentaries we have screened in class? How did each filmmaker make that argument? (that is, what are the “building blocks” they used?) Go over video worksheets.

13 Building an Argument Documentary filmmakers use scenes, visual images, audio and voice-over narration (among many building blocks) to tell a story and make an argument. You can also build an argument in written text, but the building blocks are somewhat different. Many similar elements, but documentary filmmakers rely more on visual imagery and emotion.

14 This is the Structure of a 5-paragraph Analytical Essay
I. Intro II. Body Main Point A. Main Point B. Main Point C. III. Conclusion

15 How long does the essay have to be?
5-paragraphs. No more, no less. Those 5-paragraphs will take a variable amount of words and pages. The 5-paragraph structure and a strong, clear argument are more important than word length or page length.


17 Introductory Paragraph
Begins with “attention grabbing” opening. Offers some background on the topic. Ends with a a strong, clear thesis statement.

18 Which is “attention grabbing”?
According to the article by Michael Kimmel, white men are always the shooters because of aggrieved masculinity. Adam Lanza walked into the elementary school he once attended and opened fire with automatic rifle into a class of first graders, killing 20.

19 Which is “attention grabbing”?
According to the article by Michael Kimmel, white men are always the shooters because of aggrieved masculinity. Adam Lanza walked into the elementary school he once attended and opened fire with automatic rifle into a class of first graders, killing 20.

20 A Strong, Clear Thesis Statement
Key to a Good Analytical Essay: It’s not quite this simple. A Strong, Clear Thesis Statement

21 State Your Argument Clearly
Previews the main ideas and sets the tone. Should be narrow and specific enough to suggest the main three points that follow.

22 Where Should the Thesis Statement Be?
In a 5-paragraph essay, the thesis statement should appear at the end of the introductory (first) paragraph.

23 State Your Argument Clearly
Use the first person, singular (“I”) where appropriate. For example, you can use this language to start your thesis statement: “In this paper, I will argue that…”

24 How Long Should a Thesis Statement Be?
A thesis statement is one sentence. If your thesis statement is longer than one sentence, keep revising.

25 Exercise: Craft a Thesis Statement for this Question
Drawing on Kimmel’s article, how would you use your sociological imagination to explain the actions of Adam Lanza?

26 Exercise: Craft a Thesis Statement for this Question
Example: In this paper, I will argue that we can best understand the actions of mass shooters like Adam Lanza through the sociological concepts of gender, aggrieved masculinity, and white privilege.

27 3 Main body paragraphs Key to a Good Argument:
It’s not quite this simple. 3 Main body paragraphs

28 Writing a Strong Main Body Paragraph
Topic sentence, clear and strong Analytical (not merely descriptive) Supporting Evidence Organization Use of language (clarity, meaning, coherence) Mechanics of language (spelling, grammar)

29 Main Body Paragraph Structure
Each supporting paragraph should be structured like this: Topic sentence, states the point of the paragraph to come. Supporting evidence, include course material to support the opening sentence. Last sentence, draws the conclusion based on the evidence and tells how this supports the point in the opening sentence.

30 A Paragraph has a Topic Sentence
It begins the paragraph. It conveys one idea(or topic). It is clearly written. In other words, the syntax (or sentence structure) is not too complex. A good topic sentence uses the active voice.

31 What’s the difference between a topic sentence and a thesis statement?

32 Topic Sentence vs. Thesis Statement
A topic sentence introduces the main idea of a paragraph. A thesis statement contains the argument of an entire essay.

33 Supporting Evidence Course Material:
Quotes from texts (assigned readings) Quotes or examples from lectures

34 Supporting Evidence This is where you demonstrate what you learned in the class (i.e., that you listened to the lectures, did the reading, that you comprehended what you heard, read, or saw and that you can make connections between readings and films).

35 Example: Kimmel on Lanza
Topic sentence: Through the sociological imagination, it is clear that Adam Lanza’s life was shaped by (gender/masculinity/white privilege). Supporting evidence: Use course material from the readings here. Two or three complete sentences, use quotation marks, cite the source. Last sentence: Summarize your point. This sentence should mirror the topic sentence.

36 A big finish Shows you gave the essay thought
Wrap it Up A big finish Shows you gave the essay thought

37 Use the Concluding Paragraph
People often just sort of trail off at the end of an essay. Don’t do this. Instead, summarize the main argument (thesis) and the evidence (from supporting paragraphs) that you’ve just made.

38 Make a Forceful Close with your Concluding Paragraph
Your concluding paragraph should make a forceful close to your argument.

39 Tie it Back to the Beginning
With real skill and thoughtfulness, you can conclude your essay by connecting the last line to your attention-grabbing opening.

40 Carefully Crafted When the attention-grabbing opening and the forceful conclusion draw on similar imagery or language, this is a sign of a well thought-out essay.

41 Example: Strong Close that Connects Back to the Open
“When Adam Lanza walked into the elementary school and opened fire on a room full of first graders, it is likely that he had no inkling of the ways that gender, masculinity and white privilege shaped his worldview. Yet, we can understand it, and this is the promise of the sociological imagination.”

42 Clear writing, clean style
Key to Good Form: It’s not quite this simple. Clear writing, clean style

43 Use of Language: Clarity, Meaning, Coherence
Word choice matters. Choosing the correct word helps you clearly convey the correct meaning. Strive for precision.

44 Use the Active Voice PASSIVE: Experiments were conducted.
ACTIVE: Scientists are conducting an experiment. PASSIVE: A study was performed. ACTIVE: Researchers performed a study.

45 Breaking It Down How to get started

46 Follow these Steps: Begin with course material (your supporting evidence) Gather it together and being to build your argument Draft, revise & re-write your thesis statement Write three topic sentences that support the thesis statement Last, think about how to frame this with a strong introduction and conclusion.

47 What to Look for when you Proofread
Check your essay against the Rubric (on the course site). How would you evaluate your essay based on the criteria in the rubric?

48 What to Look for when you Proofread
Opening: Is there an opening that grabs the reader’s attention? Thesis statement: Is there a strong, clear thesis statement (one sentence, at the end of the first paragraph)?

49 What to Look for when you Proofread
Supporting Evidence: Is there a good representation of course material in your essay? Main Analysis: Is there a strong, clear argument in your essay (or, is it merely descriptive)?

50 What to Look for when you Proofread
Organization: Does the essay as a whole follow the five-paragraph structure? Is each paragraph organized well?

51 Good Sentences, Paragraphs & Essays are….

52 a way to resist forces of domination

53 the key to your future.

54 Weeks Ahead: Apr. 4 – In-class exam (short answer, multiple choice – over lectures, readings, films) Apr.4 - Take-Home Essay Question (handed out) Apr. 6 – Essay Due (online, through Canvas) Apr.10, 13, 17 – Spring Recess Apr.20 – Classes Resume (Thursday follows Monday schedule)

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