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Bush I, Clinton and Beyond

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Presentation on theme: "Bush I, Clinton and Beyond"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bush I, Clinton and Beyond

2 Reagan Scandals; Iran-Contra

3 Reagan Scandals: Savings & Loans

4 Election 1988

5 Bush I Foreign Affairs: Communism Stumbles
China: Stumbles, but crushes. 1989

6 Bush I Foreign Affairs: Communism Stumbles
1989 Poland (Behind the Iron Curtain) The Communist Government falls to peaceful protest movement

7 Bush I Foreign Affairs: Communism Stumbles
The Soviet Union collapses. Mikhail Gorbachev & Boris Yeltsin

8 Bush I Foreign Affairs: Persian Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm)

9 Bush I Domestic Affairs: A “kinder, gentler America”?

10 Bush I Domestic Affairs: Economy – Deficit & Debt

11 Election 1992

12 Bill Clinton: A “Centrist” President
Antibusiness Dove Champion of “voiceless” Pro-growth Strong defense anticrime

13 Bill Clinton: Oops!

14 Bill Clinton: Triumphs
Deficit-Reduction Law Brady Bill – Gun Control

15 Bill Clinton: Tragedies Oklahoma City Bombing

16 Bill Clinton: Tragedies Columbine HS

17 Election 1994

18 Bill Clinton: Hmm.. Welfare Reform Dot-com Bubble Bursts

19 Bill Clinton and the Global Economy
NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement

20 Bill Clinton: Impeachment


22 9/11

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