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HW8(60pts) The homework Due on May 19, 23:59:59 請注意:本次作業開始,請將所有的檔案從gitlab刪除,只留下當 次的作業。例如本次作業應該只需要以下檔案上傳至Gitlab.

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Presentation on theme: "HW8(60pts) The homework Due on May 19, 23:59:59 請注意:本次作業開始,請將所有的檔案從gitlab刪除,只留下當 次的作業。例如本次作業應該只需要以下檔案上傳至Gitlab."— Presentation transcript:

1 HW8(60pts) The homework Due on May 19, 23:59:59 請注意:本次作業開始,請將所有的檔案從gitlab刪除,只留下當 次的作業。例如本次作業應該只需要以下檔案上傳至Gitlab

2 Part 1.(20pts)Create algorithm.h
Please create a new header named algorithm.h Inside the algorithm, please implement two function: for_each, all_of for_each is to show all the components in vector all_of is to calculate all the components with int value

3 The picture below is pointer to function, please reference the latest code professor write in class.
↑This is the code professor write in class

4 Part 2.(20pts)Design UI In main.cpp, you need to design an UI that user can choose which function to execute. The control flow will look like below. 1. main UI 2.choose 1 and input an integer into vector.

5 3.(assume that the vector is [10 20 30]) choose 2 to show the vector
4.choose 3 and give an operator to calculate with value 2, then choose 2 to show the result.

6 5. choose 4 to clean up the vector, then choose 2 to check the result.
6.choose 5 to exit the program.

7 Part3.(10pts) Unit Test We wrote 5 UT to test your algorithm.h The test data will not be announced. You have to make all of them pass. You know this by checking Reports on Jenkins.

8 Part4.(10pts) Acceptance Test
We wrote 6 AT to test your UI

9 Addition You can use the string here
When choose 2, the output will like this “ ”

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