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Preparing for the first Week Of Classes

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for the first Week Of Classes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for the first Week Of Classes
New Faculty Orientation August 2018 Preparing for the first Week Of Classes

2 Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, you will be able to:
List factors to consider when preparing for the 1st week of classes at Carleton Reflect on how those factors might impact your current plans

3 Team Introductions Top 5 Tips for your first day Wrap Up & Q&A

4 Educational Development
Who We Are: Morgan Rooney, Sam Shortt, Antony Marini What We Can Do For You: Midterm feedback Classroom observations Scantron item analysis Certificate programs & workshops to help you improve your teaching practice Consults about individual courses (syllabi, assignments, rubrics) and/or teaching practices TA training and TA support

5 Instructional Design Who We Are: What We Can Do For You:
Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz, Alaba Agbatogun, Yuan Chen, Mathew Schatkowsky, Renata Chiaradia, Justyna Szluinska What We Can Do For You: Course analysis, design/redesign, development, implementation and evaluation (online, blended, F2F) Consultations on teaching strategies, course content and activities, learning outcomes, assessment strategies, student engagement and motivation, course layout Selection of educational technologies based on pedagogical and other principles

6 Educational Technology
Who We Are: Ryan, Allie, Elspeth, Frank, Issam, Kim, and Tamara What We Can Do For You: cuLearn: Learning Management System cuPortfolio: ePortfolio PollEverywhere: Student Response BigBlueButton: Web Conferencing Capture: Screen Recording Anything else you want

7 Complete your worksheet as we move from tip to tip 
Top Tips

8 1. Get to know your classroom
Factors to consider for the physical room: Projector & computer Switches for lights, projector screen Location of extras (phone, mics) Seating arrangements Distance / travel time Greg Gauthier, Assistant Director, IMS

9 Classroom: Physical Space
Guided tours of your room IMS, x.2826 The Classroom Database The Online Help Centre

10 Classroom: Physical Space
When to View Your Physical Space: August 16th – 17th: almost all Carleton classrooms are unused August 25th – 31st: almost all Carleton classrooms are unused (August 18th – 24th: summer term exams)

11 Student Response Systems (PollEv)
cuLearn LMS Analytics Video (Capture) Student Response Systems (PollEv) Web Conference (Bbb) Portfolios (cuPortfolio) Discussions Quizzing Surveys Grading Course Content Assignments Group Work Virtual Space A home away from home Add tools that fit your needs Students already have access 24/7 vs 1.8%




15 Culearn Activities

16 Culearn Activities

17 2. Develop a Communications Plan
Course (Warm) Welcome Message Welcome to PSYC2801R Organizational Psychology!

18 Course welcome… video? Link to Video

19 Introductions, expectations
“Our Class – Introduce Yourself”

20 Weekly message MMM Messages

21 Ask the instructor

22 Virtual Office Hours

23 3. Planning The First Class Meeting
Make the first day of class work for you & your learners! Consider the time to set aside here as an investment in the future of the course

24 Facilitate Introductions
Talk about your research, connect it to class content If numbers allow, facilitate student introductions via an icebreaker Example: ‘find two things you have in common’

25 Learn about Your Students
Gather info about your students Examples: student ‘in-take’ forms, ‘letter to myself’ & ‘2-minute essay’ exercise Identify areas for support, & pre-assess student understanding

26 Communicate Future Expectations
Establish that students will do things in class other than just listen (activities, discussions, etc.) Example: make the syllabus review into a group activity / discussion

27 4. Assessments & Carleton Policies
As you design your assessments, there are a few factors you should keep in mind: “Early Feedback” guidelines Student registration/de-registration behaviours PMC letters of accommodation

28 Early Feedback Ensure compliance with the “Early Feedback” guidelines:
We’re already chatted about academic regulation 2.2.1 Fall 2018: by Oct. 10th (25th day), by Nov. 5th (40th day) If your syllabus is already public, you might want to consider adding a small bonus assignment due in the first 2 weeks: A reflection piece An online quiz (try Indiana University’s plagiarism quiz!) A ‘syllabus quiz’

29 Group Work Delaying arrangements for group assignments until after last day of registration (Sept. 18th): First 2 weeks: students are ‘course shopping’ First 3~ weeks: you may see significant student movement into & out of your course (Sept. 30th: last day to drop w/ full fee adjustment)

30 Accommodations Review your in-class assessments: what’s your plan if you receive requests for accommodations? PMC Letters of Accommodation (LoAs) The most typical accommodation is extra time for exams/tests Alternate arrangements or alternatives for quizzes, pop quizzes, tests, & midterms?

31 5. Connect students to Resources
Connect students with helpful resources regarding Student support services on campus Course content unique to your class

32 academic support services
Registrar’s office Skills development workshops Writing support Bounce Back program Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Academic Advising (AAC) Science Student Support Centre (SSSC) Math Tutorial Centre (MTC) Elsie MacGill Learning Centre (Engineering) Undergraduate Academic Support Office (Engineering) “Supporting Students in Distress” & “Student Referral Guide” Carleton (various skills & subjects) Centre for Student Academic Support

33 content-specific resources
Connect students to content-specific resources for subjects that you… … notice students historically struggle with (e.g., grammar, scansion, essay and report writing, derivatives, C++, etc.) For students struggling with research, connect them with the online “Ask a Librarian” chat service … expect students to already be familiar with (pre-reqs)

34 Reflection & Discussion
Take some time to reflect on the handout provided. What are the next steps for you as you prepare for week 1? Group discussion Reflection & Discussion

35 Wrap Up Q&A

36 Key Take-Away Get to know your teaching spaces
Develop a communications plan Plan to use your first class Plan assessments with policies in mind Connect students to resources Key Take-Away

37 Thanks! Ryan Kuhne Supervisor, Educational Technology x6701 Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz Supervisor, Instructional Design x8172 Morgan Rooney Educational Development Coordinator x8560

38 Looking forward 12:15pm, Lunch & networking (Foyer)
1:00pm, “Teaching 101: Tips for Survival and Success” (Room 342) 1:45pm, “Introduction to CUASA” (Room 342) 3:00pm, Social (Foyer)

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