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A. Denker, C. Rethfeldt, J. Röhrich, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Protons for Therapy Reliability of the Facility for Proton Therapy of the Helmholtz-Zentrum.

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Presentation on theme: "A. Denker, C. Rethfeldt, J. Röhrich, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Protons for Therapy Reliability of the Facility for Proton Therapy of the Helmholtz-Zentrum."— Presentation transcript:

1 A. Denker, C. Rethfeldt, J. Röhrich, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Protons for Therapy Reliability of the Facility for Proton Therapy of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

2 Hahn-Meitner-Institut (reactor, cyclotron, solar energy) = largest non- university research centre in Berlin BESSY (synchrotron) +

3 History 1977: start of cyclotron operation for nuclear physics (VICKSI) 1995 – 2006: Ionenstrahllabor ISL – laboratory for ion beam applications –internal and external (~ 70%) users –ion energy: eV < E ion < 800 MeV –research areas: materials modification and ion-solid-interaction materials analysis medical applications since 2007: accelerator operation for therapy purposes only

4 Accelerator Layout 2 x 14.5 GHz ECR sources on 150 kV platforms RFQ 5.5 MV Van-de-Graaff k = 132 16 dedicated target stations

5 Accelerator Performance cyclotron in operation since 1977 averaged downtime before 1995: 10 % start of therapy start of RFQ operation for users

6 Reduction of Downtime step by step process addressing all subsystems: sources, injectors, beam lines, cyclotron, control system preventive maintenance increased redundancy modernisation improved diagnosis reduction of elements

7 Preventive Maintenance regular belt change of Van-de-Graaff service of rotating parts cyclic change of spare power supplies used on HV terminal drying of SF 6 gas cleaning of isolators service on vacuum pumps: oil, bearings replacement of water tubes

8 Modernisation new computers for control system replacement of old dipole power supplies exchange of shunt against transducer regulation in quadrupole power supplies (gain in stability: factor 10) discrete rectifiers replaced by complete 3-phase modules replacement of main coil power supply of cyclotron side effect: less energy consumption

9 Redundancy / Reduction of elements smaller variety of pumps, vacuum gauges, power supplies…. whenever possible: spare parts for quick exchange low intensity proton beams: no pre-bunching no water cooling of deflector plates in beam line dipoles

10 Improved Diagnostics display of accelerator status

11 Improved Diagnostics display of accelerator status 24 h charts start of main magnet overshoot procedure

12 Improved Diagnostics display of accelerator status 24 h charts beam stability programme

13 ISL Protons for Therapy (PT) 11/04: decision to close ISL at the end of 2006 – Post-Docs and technical staff on temporary positions left – people were transferred to other departments – stop of investments 9/06: start of planning operation solely for PT –reduced man-power (less beam-time) –reduction of beam lines, cables… –this step: almost completed nevertheless: maintain reliability

14 Accelerator Performance small number of beam time hours: major events have huge impact on statistics ~ 4500 hours/year ~ 1750 hours/year

15 changing ion species and energies ~ 15 target stations varying requirements on focusing 34 weeks/year 3 shifts a day (24/24) H, 68 MeV –cyclotron fixed frequency –one NMR-probe/dipole 2 target stations, identical focusing –1/4 of existing beam line system 12 therapy weeks/year 2 shift operation (6:00 -22:00) Thursday: start up and tuning Friday: quality control of accelerator weekend: standby* Monday-Friday: Therapy ISL PT: Operation Comparison * exceptions on weekends: - experiments - infants, requiring more than 4 sessions

16 PT: Reliability availability 95 % in 2007 2/3 of downtime due to one major event: electrostatic injection – preventive maintenance – replacement of Ta shields by Ti (good experience in ECR source) – after one week: failure – fault of new ceramics ? – Ti shields (now Ta again) – delay of 2 days uptime 2008: 98 % worst case: failure in electricity supply at 6:00 am – delay of 2 hours

17 Accelerator Operation: Reliability uptime 2009: 95 % 1/3 of downtime again due to one major event: water leak in RF –interruption of therapy week for the first time since 1998 (110 therapy weeks) availability 2010: 95 % frequent drops in RF error difficult to find: isolator problems on tube socket of anode power supply

18 Lessons Learned turbo pumps on 60 % of rotational speed (standby mode) increases service intervals about factor 5 analysis of residual gas for water logging of electricity for failure analysis cryo pumps on cryo pumps off

19 Wish List Uninteruptable Power supplies: –overall solution: too expensive in investment and man power –thus only for computers of control system counter on frequently moved Faraday cups

20 ISL PT: Installation of a Tandetron further shortening of beam lines less rooms reduction of radiation safety easy and reliable operation: – no moving parts – source on ground potential installation: Apr. 07:purchased from BAM, start of dismantling Oct. 07:transfer to HMI, installation starts Sep. 08:first beam from source Oct. 08: first beam through tandetron Mar. 09: first beam through cyclotron Aug. 10: acceptance test finished, applied for licence Dec. 10: licence granted Jan. 11: first therapy with tandetron as injector

21 ISL PT: Installation of a Tandetron start of tandetron beam tests: perfect short term stability measured on FC behind cyclotron

22 ISL PT: Installation of a Tandetron start of tandetron beam tests: perfect short term stability but long term stability unsatisfactory

23 ISL PT: Installation of a Tandetron start of tandetron beam tests: long term stability unsatisfactory now: short and long term stability better than 5 %

24 12 therapy weeks per year past years: uptime at least 95 % 85% choroidal melanomas 97% tumour control iris melanomas and haemangiomas: no recidives Conclusion

25 12 therapy weeks per year past years: uptime at least 95 % but: the finest hardware is useless without dedicated personnel sincere thanks to all the people involved Thank you for your attention!

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