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Water Quality Monitoring

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1 Water Quality Monitoring
NPA Janes Creek Restoration Project

2 Table of contents Introduction to water quality monitoring
Monitoring parameters salinity conductivity temperature pH dissolved oxygen turbidity Conclusions and questions

3 Water quality monitoring
Sampling the chemical & physical conditions of water to determine the levels of key constituents

4 Water Quality Monitoring Sample
Location Time Width (feet) Depth (feet) Temperature (°F) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Salinity (ppm) Turbidity (NTU) Cross Section #1 2:30pm 3.25’ 2.50’ 51.8°F 3.5 30.9 85 Cross Section #2 2:35pm 2.75’ 3.2’ 50.2°F 3.42 1.26 78 Cross Section #3 2:40pm 3.00’ 50.0°F 8.20 0.06 44

5 Water Quality Monitoring Sample
Location Time Width (feet) Depth (feet) Temperature (°F) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Salinity (ppm) Turbidity (NTU) Cross Section #1 2:30pm 3.25’ 2.50’ 51.8°F 3.5 30.9 85 Cross Section #2 2:35pm 2.75’ 3.2’ 50.2°F 3.42 1.26 78 Cross Section #3 2:40pm 3.00’ 50.0°F 8.20 0.06 44

6 Salinity Dissolved salt content of a body of water

7 Conductivity A measure of the ability of water to pass
measured in micro siemens per centimeter (μS/cm) A measure of the ability of water to pass an electrical current. Affected by presence of inorganic & organic dissolved solids

8 Temperature -Critters sensitive to temperature: Salmonids, Salamanders, Frogs, ect... -Regulated by riparian vegetation, temperature outside, and other factors (can you think of any?) -We will take multiple readings at multiple locations (the more data the better!!)

9 pH (Acidity) -The concentration of H+ ions in an aqueous solution
-Scale from 0 to 14 -Neutral (pure water) = 7 -Higher concentration = acidic -Lower concentration = basic

10 Dissolved oxygen -Very important in helping organisms breathe
-Dense reed canary grass has altered this process, reducing the amount of D.O -Measured with

11 Turbidity -The amount of sediment suspended in a sample of water
-Organisms see further in water with lower turbidity -Measured with a light refracting device called a turbidimeter

12 Final Thoughts Water quality is very important for all of us.
Measure different variables to determine how pristine the water is. Several Chemical reactions and/or processes determine water quality. Find the negative factors and change them. (reed canary grass invasion->low D.O.->remove RCG)

13 Questions?

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