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Young Leader Training Module B Taking the Lead! ey think of them….

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Presentation on theme: "Young Leader Training Module B Taking the Lead! ey think of them…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Young Leader Training Module B Taking the Lead! ey think of them….

2 Objectives: Have the confidence to undertake a leadership role within their chosen section. Be able to run programme activities as appropriate to their role. Recognise and understand the different leadership styles, and when each should be used. It’s always good to start with objectives so we know what we are going to be doing for the session. Talk through the objectives and remember to revisit them at the end to see if we have achieved everything. LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

3 Objectives: Recognise the effect of different styles of leadership on an activity Understand the process of evaluation, the need for it, and implement it as necessary. LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

4 Styles of Leadership Activity:
Think about the different ways each scenario was handled during the activity. Lego Activity Split the young leaders will be split into smaller groups. Each of the activities demonstrates a different leadership style. One person in the group is the leader for each activity. This can be completed using a number of different resources. See B1 for the Sheet When doing the activity encourage the young people to think about the different ways in which the each scenario was handled by the leaders. Were they passive, LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

5 Styles of Leadership: There are roughly 5 styles of leadership:
Democratic/ Team Based Formal/Directive Informal/ Supportive Passive Organiser LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

6 Informal/Supportive Using this style:
The young people you are leading may not be aware that that is indeed what you are doing. Being there to help and support is a form of leadership. LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

7 Organiser This is a planning style as much as a leadership style. You take responsibility for getting things organised in such a way that the outcome that you desire is achieved. LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

8 Formal/Directive This is a style that you would most associate with leading – the regimental sergeant major, giving firm and clear instructions. LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

9 Democratic/team based
This is a style involves leading a discussion and including everyone in the final decision. LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

10 Passive This is the most subtle form of leadership. It involves knowing when to let go and let your youngsters take the lead. It is used when there is no risk to their safety involved and gives them the opportunity to make their own decisions. LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

11 Styles of leadership activity:
Using the 5 styles of leadership write what style of leadership each statement is talking about. Put the Young People in Different Groups and this time they have to match up the style of leadership with the statements, these are found in B2 1.You are watching a patrol doing a knotting exercise led by the PL. You help the youngest scout to complete knot, Informal/Supportive 2. You are instructing your cubs how to cross a deep burn during a walk, Formal/Directive 3. You are holding a Patrol Leaders Council, Democratic/Team Based 4. You have started a cricket match involving 2 sixes against the other 2 sixes. After 15 minutes you notice that they have started to play rounder’s instead and are enjoying themselves. You let them play on, Passive 5. You have organised a wide game for the troop. The adult leaders are keeping an eye on the scouts to see no harm comes to them. You are keeping the scores Organiser  6. The patrol leaders have changed the parameters of the wide game to make it more challenging. There is no additional risk involved and you still have to keep the scores. Passive 7. You are teaching knife and axe to younger scouts. You start by laying out the basic safety rules. Passive 8. Your beavers are painting for a national competition. Formal/Directive 9. You have organised a new game for your Beavers, but they want to play one of the old favourites. You let them. Passive 10. You then follow this up with the new game you have organised, Formal/Directive LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

12 Styles of leadership activity:
You will get a programme for the section you help with. Select what type of leadership style should be used for each activity. Think about: What happens in each activity? How supervised do the young people need to be? Is the activity dangerous? Are dangerous things involved? i.e. fire, sharp knives These can be found in in B3 Programme Plans. Get the young leaders into group of 4/5 in the section that they help with. LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

13 Objectives: Have the confidence to undertake a leadership role within their chosen section. Be able to run programme activities as appropriate to their role. Recognise and understand the different leadership styles, and when each should be used. It’s always good to start with objectives so we know what we are going to be doing for the session. Talk through the objectives and remember to revisit them at the end to see if we have achieved everything. LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

14 Objectives: Recognise the effect of different styles of leadership on an activity Understand the process of evaluation, the need for it, and implement it as necessary. LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE

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