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CityBench: comparison Tool

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1 CityBench: comparison Tool
ESPON Internal Seminar 2013 “Territorial Evidence for Cohesion Policy and Territorial Agenda 2020” 4-5 December 2013 Vilnius, Lithuania CityBench: comparison Tool Eduardo Dias









10 New times… New indicators?


12 OSM vs. Top Down (google)


14 Source:

15 Nowadays bottom-up initiatives complement the ecosystem of information available online. Regular citizens are sharing information about their surrounding and their cities through a large number of social networks. This increasing amount of information cannot be ignored, since it provides in most cases, real time information about places and events, which have impact on society. In this context we witness how location analytics industry is moving from a paradigm of lower volume, higher accuracy data to one of higher volume and lower accuracy.

16 en,English bailout, bank, business, bubble, capital, crash, corruption, credit, crisis, debt, deflation, bankruptcy, economy, euro, financial, investment, market, money, price, rate, recession, sme, stock market et,Estonian kautsjoni, bank, business, bubble, capital, crash, korruptsiooni-, krediidi, kriisi, võlakirjad, deflatsioon, pankrot, majandus, euro, finants-, investeeringute, turg, raha, hind, rate, allakäik, vkede, stock market


18 Easy to find a job perception 2004 – 2006 - 2009
Overall unemployment rate 2007 –

19 Ideas, comments: Other indicators? Different functionality? Etc

20 Thank you for your attention!

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