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Presentation on theme: "Egypt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Egypt

2 Egypt—Terms Menes (c. 3,000 B.C.) Pharaoh Ma’at (Justice or Order)
Vizier Hieroglyphics Papyrus Rosetta Stone Old Kingdom (2,700 – 2,200 B.C.) Middle Kingdom (2,000 – 1,800 B.C.) Co-optation Hyksos New Kingdom (1,600 – 1,100 B.C.) Hatshepsut Thutmose III Akhenaton Nefertiti Amarna Revolution Tutankhamen (r. 1,352 – 1,344 B.C.) Ramses II (r. 1,300 – 1,250 B.C.)

3 Egypt

4 Egypt and the Nile River

5 Egypt and the Nile River

6 Nomes (Agricultural Districts)

7 Upper and Lower Egypt

8 The Scorpion King—One of the First to Appear in Written Records

9 The “Real” Scorpion King

10 The Kings of Lower & Upper Egypt

11 Narmer/Menes(King of Upper Egypt)—Egypt’s First Pharaoh

12 Pharaoh—Embodiment of the God, Ra

13 Ma’at Cosmic order and justice Right, truth and order

14 Vizier (Chief Minister)
Supervised the running of the government Ptah-hotep

15 Hieroglyphics

16 Papyrus

17 Rosetta Stone—One Document in Three Languages—Ancient Egyptian, Demotic (later form of Egyptian), & Greek

18 The Old Kingdom (2,700 – 2,200 B.C.) The Age of the Pyramids

19 Pyramids at Giza

20 The “Great” (Cheops) Pyramid

21 The Old Kingdom Capital at Memphis

22 First Intermediate Period
The Rise of Thebes Outside invasion

23 The Middle Kingdom (2,000 – 1,800 B.C.)
The Valley of the Kings

24 The Valley of the Kings

25 Art of the Middle Kingdom
Boy driving his donkeys Men threshing grain

26 Second Intermediate Period

27 Second Intermediate Period
Invaded & divided

28 The New Kingdom ( 1,600 – 1,100 B.C.) Hatshepsut (r. 1,479 – 1,450 B.C.)

29 The New Kingdom Thutmose III (r. 1450 – 1425 B.C.)

30 Thutmose III’s Conquests

31 The New Kingdom Akhenaton (Amenhotep—r B.C.)

32 Akhenaton Worshipping Aton

33 Nefertiti

34 Amarna Revolution

35 Amarna Revolution—Naturalism/Realism in Art

36 The New Kingdom—Tutankhamen

37 King Tut’s Tomb

38 King Tut’s Tomb

39 Howard Carter With King Tut

40 King Tut’s Tomb

41 The New Kingdom Ramses II (r. 1,300 – 1,250 B.C.)

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