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DB Summit 2016 Early Identification/Referral Session

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1 DB Summit 2016 Early Identification/Referral Session
Megan Cote and Mark Schalock The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education #H326T However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Teaching Research Institute, nor the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jo Ann McCann.

2 What is driving the EI/R work at NCDB?
To continue to better identify and have referred for appropriate services/interventions infants and toddlers who are deaf-blind, by promoting a technical assistance process that can be implemented by state deaf-blind projects to improve early identification and referral outcomes. Building partnerships within the National Deaf-Blind TA Network and the broader early intervention community to develop, disseminate and implement resources and tools to ensure the use of effective intervention strategies.

3 What’s the EI/R Process?
Complete the Self-Assessment Guide (SAG) Complete the Action Plan Locate resources in the Tool Kit to support your action plan Implement your plan & evaluate effectiveness Cycle back through the process (NCDB is available to support you through this process)

4 What Impact have we observed from the Improvement Process?
As of Fall 2015, a growing number of states have used the Self-Assessment Guide, have targeted a system & are beginning to implement one or more of the four key evidence-based practices. In 2011, 9 states participated in the pilot of this process This group had collectively identified 138 infants and toddlers (birth-2) = 22.7% of children in that age range In 2014, their collective birth - 2 numbers increased to 209 = 35.3% of children in that age range identified nationwide. They are responsible for more than a third of the birth-2 kids on the current national child count!

5 Additional impact from the Improvement Process
When you combine these 9 states with the additional states who presented in the EI/R National Webinar Series this year, the numbers get even better! Of the 349 newly identified infants and toddlers on the 2015 Deaf-Blind Child Count, 174 (49.9%) were from this group of 15 states. These states were especially effective in identifying infants under one year of age Nearly two-thirds of all infants (64.6%) newly identified in 2015 came from this group.

6 What was promised at Summit 2015?
Organize and schedule a series of webinars and hosted discussions focusing on state EI&R activities related to each of the four systems (Part C, EHDI, Medical, Community Programs) October webinars - one on the SAG and one on the Action Planning Process. (VT, KS, MO) November Part C (GA, MO, TN, VT) January Medical Community (NJ, CO, NY, KT) February EHDI (WA, WY) March Community Programs (CA)

7 What was promised at Summit 2015? (cont.)
2.Include a focus on intervention materials that states can share with providers and families. 3. Initiate a TWG or workgroup to continue discussions and provide direction and advice in the area of Early Identification, Referral and Intervention. So what did we do?

8 Post Summit 2015 Efforts Part C workgroup formed in early 2016
2 hr web-based training for PA on March 29th (GA and VT) Day long in person training for Part C providers in Indiana on May 17 Creating a Part C Intervention Matrix - based on DEC Recommended Practices and Developmental Domains for states to be able to customize in their work with Part C providers and coordinators in their states.

9 Post Summit 2015 Ongoing Efforts
Continue to collect materials, tools and strategies from state projects working with one or more of the systems. Over 20 additional resources have been added to the Tool Kit - as a result of the sharing that occurred on the webinars. We also highlighted toolkit resources (via forum posts) after each webinar that related to each of the 4 targeted systems.

10 Post Summit 2015 Next Phase Explore the implications of Part C moving to a medical model on the work of the EI&R initiative. This is part of the next phase of our work to be done (as we complete the matrix and begin to explore intervention in the other 3 systems)

11 What’s new/ rolling out?
Part C workgroup formed in winter of 2016 2 hr web-based training to PA Part C providers & coordinators (which is now a module) Day-long training in Indiana for Part C providers and coordinators Creation of a matrix aligned with the DEC Recommended Practices and Developmental Domains to improve intervention practices

12 Universal TA available from this initiative
The Self-Assessment Guide & EI&R Tool Kit on the NCDB website. TA can focus on any or all parts of the improvement cycle, including: Completing the Self-Assessment Guide Developing an action plan Implementing evidence-based practices as part of the action plan Evaluating your activities Updating your self-assessment and/or developing a new action plan The Webinar series is archived for your use

13 Targeted TA available from this initiative
Targeted TA: Can be provided either to a single state or a group of states working with small groups of state projects, through regularly scheduled meetings, to provide support and facilitate the sharing of strategies and resources. These small meeting groups would be based on similar state needs and steps in the process. Individual TA can be requested when additional support is desired

14 Intensive TA available from this initiative
Consultation and coaching is available to customize the tools, materials and strategies available through the EI&R Initiative. This could include materials within the matrix to create a long-range plan for providing training to Part C as well as with the SAG process and Tool Kit.

15 EI/R Summit 2016 Focus The Matrix: what needs to be included
how states would like support around it’s use (peer-to-peer TA, etc.) 2) For states needing support around the EI/R process, how best can we support their needs? 3) How do we want to share “lessons learned”/ resources across network over time?

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