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Title I Schools: “ESSA” Every Student Succeeds Act Information Meeting Pershing M. School Library October 12, 2017 Pershing Middle School Houston Independent.

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1 Title I Schools: “ESSA” Every Student Succeeds Act Information Meeting Pershing M. School Library October 12, 2017 Pershing Middle School Houston Independent School District 3838 Bluebonnet Houston, TX 77025

2 Purpose of Title I: Part A
Schools qualify for Title I funds if at least 40% of the students in the school are from low-income families. Title I, Part A program is intended to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards, regardless of economic status. It is the government’s attempt to provide all children with the opportunity to receive a fair, equitable and high-quality education, and to close the achievement gap.

3 Pershing Middle School Title I Part A
According to ESSA: Every Student Succeeds Act, Title I funds enable Pershing Middle School to – - Employ and train highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals - Purchase instructional materials and classroom computers -Sponsor parental involvement activities - Provide tutorials throughout the school year

4 Highly Qualified Teachers
A highly qualified teacher meets the criteria below- Holds at least a Bachelors degree Is fully certified in the State of Texas or enrolled in an alternative certification program accredited by the state. Demonstrates competency in the core academic subject area assigned to teach.

5 Pershing Middle School Title I Part A (cont..)
To increase student academic achievement, Title I provides funds for the following programs offered at Pershing M. School- - Summer School - Educational Field Trips - After School Tutorials - Spring Saturday Tutorials - Teacher Professional Development (A+ for Reading and Math; (Spillman for Writing) - Additional computers - Intervention Resources (Measuring Up)

6 Title I Funding Restrictions
Title I funds should be used to supplement not supplant. Title I funds should not be used to provide services that are required by state law, State Board of Education Rule, or local policy. Title I funds should not be used for food, snacks, or refreshments of any kind. Title I funds should not be used for gift cards, entertainment, recreation, or social events. Title I funds should not be used for any materials that do NOT relate directly to core subject areas: Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science, History, and Social Studies.

7 Parental Involvement Requirements
Research has proven that students whose parents are involved in their education have greater academic success; therefore Title I Part A grant requires schools to focus on parental and family involvement. Annual Meetings to inform parents of their school’s Title I Part A participation Parent notifications regarding: highly qualified teachers, Title I status, district policy, curriculum/assessment standards, promotion standards, school report card. School-Parent compact, parent meetings, parent-involvement survey

8 “Ten Components of Title I”
Comprehensive needs assessment School wide reform strategies Instruction by highly qualified teachers High-quality professional development Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers Strategies to increase parental involvement Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs. Measures to include teachers in decisions regarding academic assessment Timely identification and additional assistance to students having academic difficulty Coordination and integration between federal, state, and local service programs

9 Our Commitment At Pershing M. School we are committed to using Title I funds to supplement our instructional needs and impact student performance at the maximum level.

10 Parent Advisory Committee
If you are interested in being a part of the PAC, please sign the form on the table and identify the position you are interested in filling. As a PAC member, you will assist Pershing with planning parent trainings/resources, developing possible interventions for students, providing any feedback from the parent’s perspective that might better help us assist all students at Pershing, with a specific focus on economically disadvantaged students. President Vice President Secretary Note: The PAC is required to have four meetings throughout the school year.

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