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EPAN – eGovernment WG Interoperability of eGovernment systems The identification number, data sharing and data protection issues Luxembourg, 25 February.

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Presentation on theme: "EPAN – eGovernment WG Interoperability of eGovernment systems The identification number, data sharing and data protection issues Luxembourg, 25 February."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPAN – eGovernment WG Interoperability of eGovernment systems The identification number, data sharing and data protection issues Luxembourg, 25 February 2005

2 Public Research Center – Gabriel Lippmann
Ongoing study by Public Research Center – Gabriel Lippmann Research Unit in Information Systems B. Otjacques & P. Hitzelberger Ordered by Ministère de la Fonction Publique et de la Réforme Administrative, Luxembourg EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

3 Agenda Motivation Project Definition and Planning State of the Art
Questionnaire Questions & Answers EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

4 Motivation e-Government interoperability
Single Identification Number for citizens and companies is one of the building blocks SIN underpins and eases Data sharing Must tackle Political, Legal, Organisational, and Technological Issues, among which Data Protection Issues EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

5 Project Definition National Collaboration
Ministère de la Fonction Publique et de la Réforme Administrative Centre de Recherche Public – Gabriel Lippmann, Cellule de Recherche, d’Etude et de Développement en Informatique Commision Nationale pour la Protection des Données Centre Informatique de l’Etat - Service du Répertoire général des personnes EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

6 Project Definition Update of the Belgian study in 2001 on « Electronic identification of citizens and organizations in EU » Minutes of WG eGov, Nov. 2001: « … necessary for the future debate in this WG to split up the theme of unique id. keys, electronic signatures and electronic id. cards and treat them separately… » EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

7 Project Definition Update of the 2001 Belgian study on e-Id
Restriction of scope Limited to Single Identification Number Issue Excluded: PKI issues, electronic id. card Extension of scope 10 new Member States + 4 Candidate Countries Impact of Data Protection Issues on Data Sharing EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

8 Project Planning Elaboration of the questionnaire (12/04 –01/05)
Questionnaire sent to States (01/05) 1st EPAN meeting (02/05) Analysis of the answers (03/05 – 05/05) Draft of final report presented at the 2nd EPAN meeting (05/05) Last modifications to the final report (06/05) EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

9 State of the Art Results of the Belgian Study (2001)
Is there a single identification number for natural persons in your country? B DK D GR E F IRL I L NL A P FIN S UK Already exists X Planned Not yet planned EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

10 State of the Art Results of the Belgian Study (2001)
Is there a single identification number for legal persons in your country? B DK D GR E F IRL I L NL A P FIN S UK Already exists X Planned Not yet planned EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

11 State of the Art Results of the Belgian Study
Significant differences among the 15 countries! Political, cultural and legal traditions explains why a SIN for citizens exists in some countries and does not in others Id. number officially labelled as ‘single’ is in practice not the only tool to identify a citizen Wide range of specific id. numbers EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

12 State of the Art Results of the Belgian Study
Use made of the national id. number, where it exists, varies strongly from one country to another Continuum from most open to most restrictive legal systems Id. number technically designed in different ways across EU countries Personal data linked to id. number varies from one country to another EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

13 State of the Art Multiple recent initiatives EU projects
GUIDE: Creating a European Id Management Architecture for e-Government PRIME: Privacy and Identity Management for Europe NoE FIDIS: Future of Identity in the Information Society EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

14 State of the Art Recommandations Conferences
Bloomsday Recom. on eGov in eEurope 2005 (June, 2004) CoBrA Recom. to the eEurope Advisory Group (Sept., 2004) Conferences IDABC Conference, Brussels (Feb., 2005) E-Gov Interop 2005, Geneva (Feb., 2005) E-Gov 2005, Copenhagen (Aug., 2005) EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

15 Questionnaire Existence of a single id. number Technical aspects
Organisational aspects Legal issues (data protection) EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

16 Questionnaire Existence of a single identification number
Natural vs. Legal persons Existence of specific id. numbers Existence of number similar to SIN Future evolution EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

17 Questionnaire Technical aspects Principle of construction of SIN
Random / Personal data coding Possibilities of SIN modification Links between SIN and personal data Name, Sex, Date of birth,… EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

18 Questionnaire Organisational aspects Principle of SIN allocation
Public authority managing the DB storing SIN Processing and transfer of SIN EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

19 Questionnaire Legal issues Directive 95/46/EC
National legislation to comply with National authority monitoring the application of this legislation National implementation of specific points Notification, rights of individuals, data sharing… EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

20 Questions & Answers Answers received … … Yet to be analysed !
Understanding of the questionnaire ? Delay to send the answers back ? Any other question… Thank you for your attention EPAN, eGov WG, Interoperability - Identification number

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