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Warm Up Zero-Sum Game' A situation in which one participant's gains result only from another participant's equivalent losses. Where have you seen an example.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Zero-Sum Game' A situation in which one participant's gains result only from another participant's equivalent losses. Where have you seen an example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Zero-Sum Game' A situation in which one participant's gains result only from another participant's equivalent losses. Where have you seen an example of zero-sum game? How does this tie into the tragedy of the commons? Pick up 2 manila folders and 5 papers from the demo table


3 Structure of assessment day
All students take level 1 as a practice test. Self grade. Record score If you have 4 items on mastery list show Ms. Morris, put your backback and personal items along the back board. Come to Tables 6-9 with a pen/pencil ONLY Take level 2 and 3 silently. Turn in. If you are not assessing sit at tables Not allowed to cross the border.

4 1. E 2. B 3. B 4.D 5.B

5 Footprint

6 Pick up 2 papers from demo table
Add that assessments start next time if you have reading guide and essay completed Share your “R” for the week or month Reduce Recycle Reuse Refuse

7 Easter Island, Greece, Lorax Essay
In a 5 paragraph essay pick 3 environmental issues shown in Easter Island, Greece, and the Lorax Each of the 3 body paragraphs should -include text-based evidence/quote -an environmental issue Conclusion should include -solutions to 3 problems


9 Warm Up 1) How are you feeling about APES so far?
2) Did you pick up your textbook? If not, set an alarm 3) Hardin claimed there is a “Tragedy of Commons” What was his evidence? Take out summer math, If you turned in work go to the “Student Work to Return” box

10 Summer Math--Decimals
Numbers 1-12 = = = – = – = 90.3 – = 28.4 x 9.78 = x 98.4 = x = 64.5 / 5 = / 34.5 = / =

11 Decimal Answers Question 1 4.134 Question 2 621.498 Question 3
Question 4 32.507 Question 5 74.454 Question 6 57.621 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10 12.9 Question 11 3.32 Question 12 95.2

12 Take out PPT notes and video notes MINGLE OF MINDS
Tell your partner 3 important points from your notes, ask questions, have a discussion

13 Take out PPT notes and video notes MINGLE OF MINDS
Tell your partner 3 important points from your notes

14 Easter Island

15 The moai (statues) pictured above are on Easter Island (Rapa Nui) off the coast of Chile. The island is famous for its statues, its remoteness, as well as its ecological collapse. A once thriving civilization of tens of thousands of people built, moved, and erected the nearly 100 ton statues without the aid of modern technology. However, that same civilization consumed too many resources and left the island treeless, nearly birdless, and fell into clan warfare and starvation. The once mighty population dwindled to less than a couple thousand by the 1700s


17 Spilt or Steal Clip

18 Tragedy of the Commons Garrett Hardin

19 FLT I can demonstrate the tradegy of commons through performing and analyzing lab results

20 Garrett Hardin – Economist
Authored essay in 1968 titled “The Tragedy of the Commons”. Focuses on: 1. environmental degradation population growth 3. limited natural resources 4. privatization of land

21 What does commons mean? “Held in common” means the resource is owned by: No one…or Owned by a group =all who have access to the resource.

22 What are common resources?
Air! No one owns the air-avail to all Water in oceans & rivers is avail to all. Fish of the sea avail to all. Note: First codified by Romans in 535 AD.

23 Common Resources

24 Common Resources



27 Imagine… Hardin’s parable involves a pasture "open to all."
He asks us to imagine the grazing of animals on a common ground. Individuals are motivated to add to their flocks to increase personal wealth.


29 Tragedy of the Commons Every animal added to the total degrades the commons a small amount. Although the degradation for each additional animal is small, the gain in wealth for the owner is greater.

30 Tragedy of the Commons As selfish stewards, each owner adds another to their flock and the pasture. If all owners follow this pattern the commons will ultimately be destroyed.


32 Tragedy of the Commons As a result, the commons were overgrazed and degenerated to the point that they were no longer able to support the villagers' cattle. This failure of owner of these private lands to preserve the natural resources is known as "the tragedy of the commons."

33 Checking for Understanding
For the next 26 seconds, review 3 main points discussed in this Power Point

34 What is the “tragedy”? “We can avoid tragedy only by altering our values.” Hardin, 1968 This means we can change the way we live (sustainably) by preserving our natural resources—even in the private sector.

35 Sustainability… Meeting present needs of today’s populations without compromising the needs of future generations.

36 Standards of Sustainability= “SEE”
an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization Society Economy Environment Combination of all things & factors external to individuals or populations Production Consumption Distribution

37 Questions? How does Tragedy of the Commons ideas connect with the concept of sustainability? Explain. Does the “Commons” reflect utilitarian conservation or biocentric preservation?

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