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TOSCA Namespaces for tosca-nfv-profile

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1 TOSCA Namespaces for tosca-nfv-profile
Shitao li

2 Namespace discussion in TOSCA
TOSCA Namespacing Explained - Draft.pptx

3 Main issues need to consider in tosca-nfv-profile
tosca_definitions_version ? Namespace Alias ? Namespace URI ? Namespace Prefix ?

4 1, tosca_definitions_version
Can we suggest in tosca-nfv-profile that the “tosca_definitions_version ” keyname needs to always follow the same processing procedure in tosca-simple-profile-yaml? The only valid values now for “tosca_definitions_version” in tosca-nfv-profile are “tosca_simple_yaml_1_2”, “tosca_simple_yaml_1_1” and “tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 (namealias representing a TOSCA YAML Simple Profile specification)

5 2, Namespace Alias This is related to the first issue for “tosca_definitions_version” keyname Namespace alisa : In the TOSCA Simple Profile, TOSCA Service Templates MUST always have, as the first line of YAML, the keyword “tosca_definitions_version” with an associated TOSCA Namespace Alias value. If the first suggestion is yes, Option 1: does not define namespace alias in tosca-nfv-profile, Delete the namespace alias in tosca-nfv-profile Option 2: define a new namespace alias, but clearly indicate that this namespace alias shall not be used as a valid value of “tosca_definitions_version”, it is only used for qualified type names or URI, for example, tosca_simple_nfv_1_0:nfv.nodes.Vdu There is a defined namespace Alias in tosca-nfv-profile, that is “tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0”, if we keep it as it is, some explanation of its usage should be added. If the first suggestion is no, ?

6 3, Namespace URI There is a defined namespace URI in tosca-nfv-profile. Do we want to keep it, or change it to another one?

7 Namespace Prefix Namespace Prefix has not defined in tosca-nfv-profile right now. As suggested from Matt’s slide, Vender specific type defines and namespace prefix should be allowed, but from standard perspective, a standard prefix for the basic types of NFV applications should be given. It is suggested to define a namespace prefix in tosca-nfv-profile for interoperability purpose. For example: NFV: tosca.nodes.nfv.cpd

8 Other issues?

9 Backup

10 Profiles & Conformance
What is intended Approved, TOSCA Namespace URI - define a TOSCA-approved Namespace URI for the Profile’s Types that matches spec. version i.e., for default/target namespace Extensibility via Profile Types - define new Types needed to model the subject area for the Profile These Types would be bound to the TOSCA approved Namespace URI for the Profile Simplified Import – allow profile types to be imported “on-top” of TOSCA Simple Profile base types Ideally, “import” of a Profile’s Types should be accomplished with one (1) line of YAML Namespace Prefix: possible a reserved Namespace Prefix for the Profile Note: TOSCA base profile version compatibility is an issue to discuss What is not intended No new Grammar - Profiles are not allowed to define new grammar Should not define new “keywords” for TOSCA entities Profile WGs should submit uses cases to the Simple Profile WG that express needs in the base profile Limited ability to describe additional Requirements (prose) on individual Types e.g., describe special treatment of property/attribute values Perhaps “constraints” grammar is not expressive enough? or one Property value depends on another? Note: the Profile WG should try to submit uses cases to Simple Profile WG when they find limitations that could be fixed via the core grammar

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