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Honours Projects Example: MolDyn – Molecular Dynamics

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1 Honours Projects Example: MolDyn – Molecular Dynamics
Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering Honours Projects Goals and Intentions Organisation close the gap between theory and practice involve students into current research projects at an earlier stage and more intensively than in the usual programs learning-on-the-job intensive mentoring extent: 1 or 2 semesters, 10 ECTS credits individual and group projects possible in collaboration with an industry partner or with univeristy research groups presentations within the BGCE Research Day (regular research seminar) poster contributions to symposia & workshops thesis and/or publication Example: MolDyn – Molecular Dynamics Scientific Computing & Software Engineering collaboration of 5 students with different backgrounds distribution of roles (team leader, etc.) and fields of expertise (modelling, visualisation, etc.) soft skills traing on the job Numerical Simulation of Molecular Dynamics molecules are modelled as rigid bodies interacting on collisions (Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential) computational effort must be kept proportinal to number of molecules: O(n) algorithms required parallelisation to support large number of molecules easy to use graphical interface for computational steering visualisation of the results Example 2: U-Bahn Marienplatz Example 3: Aneurisms enlarging of the U-Bahn station Marienplatz industry project SoFiSTIK AG involving students into current research projects Finite Element analysis of strucutural stability research project at the chair for System Simulation (Univ. Erlangen) Jan Götz: Simulation of wall stresses within an aneurism using Lattice Boltzmann automaton

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