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Introduction to Science

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Science
Section 1 The Nature of Science

2 How Does Science Take Place?
1) Investigate 2) Plan 3) Observe 4) Test

3 Biological Science Physical Science Earth Science
Branches of Science Nature of Science Biological Science Physical Science Earth Science study of living things study of matter and energy study of Earth Botany Zoology Ecology Physics Chemistry Geology Meteorology forces/energy matter and change

4 Scientific Laws and Theories
Laws- a law allows predictions to be made. It describes a process in nature that can be tested by repeated experiments. DOES NOT EXPLAIN HOW! Theories- are always being questioned. To be valid it must pass several tests. 1) Explain clearly and consitently 2) experiments must be repeatable 3) Must be able to predict from the theory.

5 Math can describe physical events
Area of a rectangle: A = l x w Gravitational equation F = g m1xm2/d2

6 Models: Represent Physical Events
Water Crashes

7 Computer Models Weather

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