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Experimentation and Operational Research

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Presentation on theme: "Experimentation and Operational Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Experimentation and Operational Research
OR Society Defence Study Group 10 June 2004 George Pickburn Information Management Department

2 Topics Operational Research / Analysis - what is it ? Experimentation
Principles - why experiment ? ‘Applications’ and Experiment ‘types’ Facilities Experiments in the programme Experimentation as a research Theme The UK Code of Best Practice 24 November November 2018

3 “There is no empirical method without speculative concepts and systems;
and there is no speculative thinking whose concepts do not reveal, on closer investigation, the empirical material from which they stem.” Einstein (1953), in his introduction to an edition of Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632) 24 November November 2018

4 Operational Research / Analysis
CSA’s Guidelines : “OA contributes to the basis on which MOD makes its decisions by providing an open, explicit and objective assessment of the military capability provided by a proposed course of action “ “in combination with cost data quantitative comparison . . (of) . . new capabilities” “OA is based . . on objective data about equipment, its human operators and their operational environment” “The idea of the model lies at the heart of OA a simplified representation of reality . . to allow us to gain understanding of the factors relevant to (a) decision” A scientific process of analysis supporting decision making 24 November November 2018

5 What’s new? New . . . . . How do people use information ?
op concepts information facilities and services ways of working - joint and combined doctrine How do people use information ? Which information do they use ? 24 November November 2018

6 Analysis Techniques Spectrum
Experiments Experiments War Synthetic Environments Simulation models Exercises Mathematical Models Wargames High Realism Cost High Low Low Low High Repeatability 24 November November 2018

7 What is experimentation?
Controlled process of interaction with and observation of the real world Twin modes of enquiry / experimentation : inductive, and hypothetico–deductive Complementary nature of these modes – most new knowledge arises as (provisional) insight derived from ‘casual’ observation insights formally validated and tested through experimentation any one “experiment” can do both 24 November November 2018

8 Principles - why experiment ?
Standard part of the general purpose research enterprise Generation of new knowledge Consolidation of knowledge in revised and validated theories and models This is a recursive, not a linear process : model-test-model-test 24 November November 2018

9 Model - Test - Model Paradigm
Knowledge Requirements New Real World Experiments Analytical Models Environment of executive decision making, studies, concept definition, op. planning, procurement (Analytical) Models/Theories (OA) Studies Experimentation 24 November November 2018

10 “Couldn’t interface with a new paradigm,
whatever the hell that means “ 24 November November 2018

11 ‘Applications’ - Experiment ‘types’
exploration / discovery / visualisation test & evaluation, formal verification and validation, demonstration systems design warfighting experiments - VCDS policy all are experiments to meet differing requirements for confidence / burden of proof 24 November November 2018

12 Experimentation typology
Burden of proof Quantity of knowledge Quality of knowledge Confidence # 3 Experimentation Campaign Expt # 2 Tests Trials Exercises Demos # 1 No. of good ideas Visualisations Discovery No. of hypotheses 24 November November 2018

13 CCRP CoBP Experimentation
24 November November 2018

14 What changes between types? ( = design )
Quantity (categories) of knowledge gained Quality (confidence) of knowledge gained (‘ burden ‘ of proof) Both are controllable to meet the purpose of the experiment - how will the knowledge gained be used? There is always a hypothesis Design entails trade-off of: effect size, confidence (in the truth of the research hypothesis), power to reject false hypotheses, and sample size 24 November November 2018

15 Facilities Dstl Applied Research Technology Demonstrator (ARTD)
C2 systems lab NITEworks an experiment on three levels Exercises as an experimentation environment of opportunity - BATUS & Warfighting experiments Wargames / Training Systems Combined Arms Tactical Trainer 24 November November 2018

16 Experiments in the programme
Kill Chain - Responsive C2 of tactical air under different sensor ‘treatments’ Indirect Fire Integration - new munitions, role of intelligence, targeting facilities Future HQ - organisation and design Effects Based Planning - MNE3 ISTAR tasking and integration 24 November November 2018

17 Experimentation as an R&D theme
Coherence for efficient R&D Exploitation of exercises Standards across the programme Output sharing and re-use Theme Adviser on experimentation 24 November November 2018

18 Codes of Best Practice NATO CoBP for C2 Modelling
US Code of Best Practice US Marine Corps “Practice of Military Experimentation” Facility CoBPs - UK ARTD, US JFCOM TTCP CoBP for Experimentation - soon UK MoD Code of Best Practice 24 November November 2018

19 Experimentation Best Practice I
Identify the knowledge being sought what is weak / wrong in our current models use model to provide an expectation to be tested by an experiment Identify the relevant variables Form hypotheses (testable ideas) about these variables Design experiments to test the hypotheses - in the light of the expected uncontrollable variability - using statistical methods Capture the design and its rationale in a design document for peer review 24 November November 2018

20 Experimentation Best Practice II
Record the conclusions about the tested hypotheses (for later re-use) Amend the encapsulating theory or model in the light of the proven hypotheses = the model-test-model paradigm 24 November November 2018

21 Summary Experimentation is . . . . .
the best opportunity for a generation to explore interactions of people and information to enable balanced exploration of the lines of development better military organisation design better procurement of information and communication systems effective military and government response to emergent ‘asymmetric’ threats extension and validation of the models for decision making the natural (and essential) complement of operational research / analysis 24 November November 2018

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