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EOC Review Physical Science

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1 EOC Review Physical Science
Sign attn roster Break will be about 9:30 You need a reference table, pencil, calc & paper Pick up any other papers up front by attn roster Thanks to google image for all the graphics and my physical science coworkers (YOU ARE THE BEST) for all the ideas, support and help!

2 Science versus Technology
System of knowledge and methods used to find out Application of knowledge


4 hypothesis=educated guess
experiment=testing hypothesis, test only one variable at a time

5 Manipulated variable (Independent IV) = causes a change in another
Responding variable (Dependent DV) = the variable that changes in response to the manipulated variable For example, to find out if your heart rate depends on exercise, you could do different amounts of exercise (the manipulated variable) and measure the heart rate (the responding variable).

Theory=an Explanation based on many observations & experiments (explains why things work the way that they do)-also predicts what we may see in future

Law=“rule of nature” Evidence summed up by related observations to describe a pattern found in nature/universe.

8 GUESS-for word problems
G= Given, identify the given information U= Unknown, identify the unknown, what are you trying to solve for? E= Equation, what equation should you use to solve the problem? S= Substitute the numbers in for the letters in the equation S= Solve, plug in the calculator, chug get an answer….don’t forget the units!

9 Common conversions 2 m = _________ cm 4.5 cm = _______ mm
763 g = ________ kg 1000 kg = ________ g 7.2 kW = _______ W 0.83 m = ________ cm = _________ mm 5mL= __________ L 7L = ___________ mL

10 SI units

11 SI units

12 SI units

13 Density

14 = 1 mL


16 Conservation = start with = end with


18 Kinetic Theory of Matter thank you Mrs. Clayton-you rock!
more kinetic energy = more movement by particles = higher temperature Solid Liquid Gas

19 Solid Liquid Gas Definite shape Non-definite shape Maintains Volume
Expands/contracts to fill container Low energy=particle vibrate Medium energy = particles move over & around High energy = particles completely independent

20 Plasma-most common state of matter in universe ~ SUN & STARS
VERY HOT and high energy Bose-Einstein Condensate-Occurs at Absolute Zero VERY COLD and low energy

21 Phase or State Changes Phase Changes liquid gas solid w/heat w/o heat




25 Thanks Cambridge Physics Outlet for amazing graphics!

26 CP-ability to undergo a CC
Ex: Flammability is the ABILITY to burn (property) not actually being on fire (change) 26

27 Form-ing a precipitate

28 Lead Nitrate Copper Sulfate
Physical properties Physical changes Chemical properties Chemical changes (indicators of a cc) Lead Nitrate Copper Sulfate 28

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