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Food Glorious Food Chinese New Year Nursery Spring 1- Week 6

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1 Food Glorious Food Chinese New Year Nursery Spring 1- Week 6
The children will be using their imagination and language re creating roles in the Chinese Restaurant/Take Away. They will be listening to each others ideas. In the creative area the children will be making their own Chinese dragons. Expressive Arts and Design Physical Development In PE we will carry on with our new PE scheme. This week we will be going to the Supermarket were the children will learn basic gymnastics core shapes. We will also make up a Chinese Dragon Dance using the dragons we made . . We will continue with our Dough Gym this week, this is where the children do different exercises to music to strengthen their fine motor and gross motor movements. The children will use their fine motor skills to move the pompoms using the chopsticks. Phonics The children will revisit Phase 1. This week we will be looking and listening at words that rhyme. Communication & Language Literacy We will be looking at some Chinese writing and comparing how our letters look to them. The children will write the first letter of their name in English and then in Chinese. Food Glorious Food Chinese New Year Nursery Spring 1- Week 6 The children will be finding out about the country of China and the people who live there and how they celebrate Chinese New Year The children will be finding out that when you have a group of objects no matter how you split them up the total stays the same. The new children will be learning all about Seal Six in Ten Town. Mathematics Personal, Social, Emotional Development In SEAL we will be reviewing our long term goals on our footballs. Have we achieved them? What helped us achieve them? We will also be setting new goals for those children who have achieved.

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