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Submitted by:- DR.Madhurima Sharma PGGCG-II,Chandigarh

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1 Submitted by:- DR.Madhurima Sharma PGGCG-II,Chandigarh
RIBOSOMES Submitted by:- DR.Madhurima Sharma PGGCG-II,Chandigarh

PROKARYOTIC CELLS: float freely in cytoplasm EUKARYOTIC CELLS: float freely in cytoplasm; attached to the cytoplasmic surface of ER and NUCLEAR ENVELOPE Numerous in actively synthesizing cells

3 ORGANELLAR RIBOSOMES ORGANELLAR RIBOSOMES:found in matrix of mitochondria and stroma of plastids in eukaryotes

4 TYPES OF RIBOSOMES 70S: found in prokaryotic cells,mitochondria and plastids of eukaryotic cells 80S: found in cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells

5 STRUCTURE Both 70S and 80S ribosomes have similar structures.
Minute ,some what spherical hydrated organelles A in diameter

6 RIBOSOMAL SUB UNITS Made of two structurally and functionally distinct sub-units One large, dome shaped with 1,300,000 mol wt. Other smaller,ovoid with 600,000 mol wt.

7 Ribosomes occur separately in cytoplasm
Join to form ribosomes at the time of protein synthesis Small sub-unit sits like a cap on the flat surface of the large sub-unit A string of such Ribosomes lines up and joins an mRNA chain to form a POLYRIBOSOME


9 POLYRIBOSOME A string of such Ribosomes lines up and joins an mRNA chain to form a POLYRIBOSOME The number of Ribosomes varies with the size of the protein molecule After synthesis of protein, Ribosomes leave the mRNA chain and dissociate into sub-units


11 70S RIBOSOME Diameter: 200-300A Large sub-unit-50S
rRNAs:23S&5S+34different ribosomal proteins Small sub-unit-30S rRNAs16S+21different ribosomal proteins.

12 80S RIBOSOME Diameter: 250-350A Large sub-unit-60S
rRNAs:28S,5.8S&5S+45different ribosomal proteins Small sub-unit-40S rRNAs18S+33different ribosomal proteins

13 FUNCTIONS-attached ribosomes
Also called protein factories-provide space and enzymes for protein synthesis. Synthesize integral proteins for cell membranes Synthesize lysosomal proteins. Synthesize secretory proteins for export as secretions.

14 FUNCTIONS-free ribosomes
Synthesize structural and enzymatic proteins for use in the cell e.g. Glycolytic enzymes Extrinsic membrane proteins Most mitochondrial and chloroplast proteins

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