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Introduction to Biology II

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1 Introduction to Biology II
Spring 2007 Dr. Brad Hoge Homeostasis


3 Homeostasis Thermoregulation Osmoregulation Excretion

4 Thermoregulation Conduction Convection Radiation Evaporation

5 Relationship Between Body Temperature and Ambient Temperature
Ectotherms Endotherms

6 Thermoregulatory Strategies
Vasodilation Vasoconstriction Heat Exchange Sweating Behavioral Responses Changing metabolic rate

7 Endothermy Mammals Birds

8 Ectothermy Amphibians Reptiles Fishes Invertebrates

9 Feedback Mechanisms

10 Acclimatization Heat-Shock Proteins Torpor Hibernation Estivation

11 Osmoregulation Nitrogenous Waste Ammonia Urea Uric Acid

12 Osmolarity Osmoconformers Osmoregulators Salt Water Environments
Fresh Water Environments

13 Excretion Filtration Secretion

14 Urinary Systems Metanephridia Malpighian Tubules Kidneys

15 Nephrons

16 Hormonal Control of Feedback

17 Chemical Signals in Animals
Hormones Target Cells Feedback

18 Endocrine System Endocrine Glands Neurosecretory Cells

19 Hormonal Control of Growth and Development

20 Mechanism of Chemical Signaling

21 Types of Hormones Steroid Hormones Thyroid Hormones Local Regulators

22 Major Glands and Their Hormones

23 Hypothalamus and Pituitary

24 Thyroid Hormones

25 Endocrine Tissues

26 Adrenal Glands

27 Gonadal Steroids


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