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Film Techniques Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Film Techniques Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Film Techniques Quiz

2 Identify each of the following shot types/Angles










12 Name the technique that matches the following definition

13 The camera itself moves towards or away from a subject or following a moving subject.

14 Pivoting the camera vertically up or down

15 Lighting?

16 Sound which is added for effect after filming

17 Lighting?

18 An image on screen is gradually faded in or out.

19 The subject of a shot is made smaller or larger without moving the camera itself.

20 Sound that represents what is going on in the scene

21 Pivoting the camera to the side in order to scan a scene or follow a moving subject.
The camera does not move off the same base position.

22 One image is suddenly replaced with another.

23 Done 

24 Answers High Angle Extreme Long Shot/Establishing shot Long shot
Close up Low Angle Extreme Close Up Over the Shoulder Shot Mid Shot Bird’s Eye View Tracking Tilt Low Key Lighting Non-Diegetic Sound High Key Lighting Fade Zoom Diegetic Sound Pan Cut

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