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The Ember Learning Trust

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1 The Ember Learning Trust

2 Latest news We held our second board meeting on the 15th November and have some exciting progress to share with you. A combined choir from all the five schools under the direction of Mrs Joan Mayhew from Long Ditton St Mary’s gave an inspiring rendition of ‘Together’, ‘These are the values of life’ by James Wright and ‘We’re Building’ on the 11th November. This was the first cooperative event by the children within the Ember Learning Trust and more will follow.

3 Latest news We looked at three designs for a logo for the Ember Learning Trust which had been created by the schools. We chose one which we felt best embodied the value of cooperation which is fundamental to our purpose. This was kindly developed by a parent at one of the schools. We hope to be able to use this next year on all our communications.

4 Latest news The Heads of all the schools have identified three common areas in their individual school development plans where we can share ideas and resources to make them even more effective in helping the schools to improve. Work will start on these this term. We are very pleased to say that Kingston University has agreed to become a partner so we are looking forward to developing close working arrangements with their teacher-training faculty. This will enable their students to prepare better for their first full time experience as teachers and for our schools to learn from the latest research and ideas to help our children improve their learning while in our care.

5 Latest news Finally we are delighted to announce that we have managed to obtain a world-class speaker, Sir John Jones who will officially launch the Ember Learning Trust to all the staff and governors at our five schools on the 28th February. Kingston University have kindly given us use of their main lecture theatre but as this will only just accommodate staff and governors we will unfortunately not be able to invite parents to the event. We will be exploring the possibility however of filming the presentation for wider viewing.

6 Contact us Longdittonstmarys

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