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Enhancing Mathematical Learning through Talk September 30th 2014

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1 Enhancing Mathematical Learning through Talk September 30th 2014

2 What assumptions underpin this project?
Improved maths subject knowledge Better quality maths talk interaction Increased parental involvement in maths learning Leads to improved attainment in and enthusiasm for maths

3 Sharing perspectives… children, talk and maths
Something linked to the ideas that we have already explored, for example, adopt a phrase re-proposal pose, pause, bounce and pounce think-talk-maths boxes using props Something linked to your analysis of children’s mathematical understanding and thinking via the monitoring tasks

4 “ We notice all the time but on several levels” Mason, J. (2002)
Noticing “ We notice all the time but on several levels” Mason, J. (2002) Three levels of ‘intensity’ ordinary-noticing marking something in order to re-mark upon it to others or to yourself later for reflection and, recording – more energy required! (maybe technology can help) “By making a brief-but-vivid note of some incident, you both externalise it from your immediate flow of thoughts, and you give access to it at a later date, for further analysis and preparation for the future” p.33-34 Reference: Mason, J. (2002) Researching Your Own Practice The Discipline of Noticing. Routledge-Falmer : London

5 Enriching Mathematical Learning at KS1
Subject Knowledge Support modules are designed to: encourage thinking about mathematical ideas in depth focus on facts , skills and conceptual understanding within mathematical topics highlight interrelationships and connections between mathematical ideas to enrich the quality of mathematics teaching enable you to try activities at own level (which may be adapted for children) to promote problem solving and reasoning (useful for challenging children’s thinking).

6 Each module (face to face or distance learning) will provide:
Brief explanations of a mathematical topic Practical activities to engage in A set of questions to try, with solutions for checking in your own time Pages from Haylock’s book for further reading and reinforcing.

7 Let’s talk money! Planning for money talk
revisit playful practice, games, props, think-talk-maths boxes with money talk in mind signal the link with children’s literature and role-play (for 16th October) Take a first look at anticipating complexity’ (Rowland et al 2009) and ‘utilising complexity’ in planning for challenge and talk

8 National Curriculum Programme of Study : Measures
Fluency, reasoning, problem solving Year 1 Year 2 Recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p), combine amounts to make a particular value Find different combinations of coins that equal the same amount of money Solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change

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